Healthy Breakfast I Eat Everyday

A common question people ask me often is what I eat everyday and if I follow a special diet. I don’t really follow a strict “diet” but I do try to follow a healthy diet. The way I eat is part of my lifestyle, it goes along with exercising, trying to be positive, happy, & fulfilled.

Growing up, my mom used to give us healthy food, lots of fruit, vegetables, wheat bread, some protein, every meal was cooked fresh.  One of the fruits we’d eat was papaya. I also ate it for breakfast on weekends during high school and college (I lived with my parents). Papaya is not that easy to find in the U.S., except for Hawaii.  After I moved away from my parents’ home, papaya became one of my favorite fruits to eat for breakfast when I would visit family in Mexico. My mom and grandmother knew I liked it, so they’d prepare a large bowl of papaya for me, yum!  My mouth is watering just writing about it!

When I moved back to San Diego, I wouldn’t really buy it because it was hard to find at the “general market” grocery stores, plus I didn’t want to make the time to peel it and chop it up. I’d opt for other fruit. About two years ago, I discovered that Northgate Market sells it chopped up in convenient, individual serving containers. Plus, Northgate Market is only a few miles from the TV station where I work. I would go to Northgate at the beginning of the week to exclusively buy four containers of papaya, that is all I would buy.  I would store the containers in my small refrigerator at work. I’d eat them for lunch or midmorning while working at my desk. I’d try to go back to Northgate on Fridays to buy three more containers of papaya. I’d take two home  to eat on the weekend and leave one in the refrigerator at work for the following Monday. The papaya they sell at Northgate is sweet & delicious! I went so often that Brandy, the associate in the fruit department, knew me and was always friendly!

Every once in a while, I would buy an entire papaya and chop it up at home. Now, I am used to chopping up the papaya fresh at home. I’ve been trying to do this more often since my schedule has been busier, making it harder to get to Northgate Market. Every two weeks,  I buy a few small papayas at Sprouts or Northgate Market, and store them in the refrigerator at home. The papaya sold at both stores is from Mexico.

I’ll chop up one papaya at a time and store it in individual servings in small plastic containers, then refrigerate it. This way, it is convenient since the papaya is chopped and there is no excuse to not eat a healthy breakfast. It also keeps me feeling pretty full throughout the morning since it has lots of fiber. The smaller papayas tend to be sweeter & I wait for them to be ripe, they just melt in my mouth! It is said that Christopher Columbus called papaya, “the fruit of the angels,” for its sweet taste and soft, butter-like consistency. Papaya has many vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and fiber. You can find more information on the benefits of eating papaya on The World’s Healthiest Foods. 

The most delicious papaya I have eaten was in Hawaii, it tasted like a combination between mango and papaya, with more of a tropical taste! It reminded me of my childhood in San Diego when my mom would occasionally buy very small papayas, she would tell me those were Hawaiian papayas.

In our home, I pretty much buy papaya just for me, since my hubby doesn’t like it. I usually eat it plain, but sometimes add honey. If I want something with chili, I eat it with Tajin or chili powder and lime, also delicious!

Have you eaten papaya?




First I wash the papaya and set it on a cutting board.


I cut it in half.


Remove the seeds. This papaya had lots of seeds,  some smaller papayas have very few seeds.


Next, I peel the papaya with a knife, it has a very thin peel.


I cut it into small pieces.


I place it in plastic storage containers, in individual servings. I cover the containers and place them in the refrigerator. Ideally, these should be eaten in the next few days, or a maximum of about five days.



Papaya is usually sweet, particularly the small, ripe one’s. You can also add honey to sweeten it even more.


For a chili and lime flavor, Tajin or chili powder with lime  can be added.


I use the grocery bag to collect the seeds and peel, making for quick and easy clean-up.


A little tip: I make a knot on the bag, for easy disposal. Papaya peel and seeds can have a strong smell after a few days if you put them directly into the kitchen trash can. Placing them in an enclosed plastic bag helps mitigate the smell.

Weekend Fun……Stretching Summertime


Hope you had a nice week! What are you up to this weekend? Even though we are already in the second week of September, the weather continues to be warm & the sun is shining brightly, so let’s try to stretch summer a few more days! If you go to the beach….try to touch the water and get your feet wet! It feels amazing! I started the weekend with dinner out last night with the hubby. Today, I’m heading to a baby shower  and looking forward to time with friends, and all the aaahs & oooohs when the gifts are opened, of course! Here are a few links from the internet: some cute, some about beauty, tips, yummy food, and mostly just fun! Hope you like them and they make you smile!

Have a wonderful weekend….hugs,


Funny thoughts shared by a mom of three, made me laugh!

Tis’ the season: Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe – you can make at home, looks delicious!

The Velvet Berry Lip: how to apply it correctly – going to get one for the season. It’s beautiful & intense!

If you like espresso: the Handpresso, a travel-sized espresso maker. Nice, you can get your coffee fix even when you travel!

Silly things couples argue about: it’s the little, everyday things that can get on your partner’s nerves.  This funny video,  made me laugh out loud!

I need this after yesterday’s dinner! That is what I get for eating fried & salty food! Five Tricks to Beat Bloat Now.

Doesn’t everyone love to get a Gift With Purchase: Estee Lauder gives you an 8 piece gift.

Movie I am looking forward to seeing, trailer looks good: The Maze Runner, reminds me of The Hunger Games.


Best Hangers to Maximize Closet Space: Peak Into My Closet

You know that feeling when you find something that works and works well – and you just want to share the information? That is how I feel about these Huggable Hangers.

I keep clothes in my closet hung by categories, style, and colors. I’ll post about my closet organization tips in another day. Before I got married, all my hangers were white and plastic. The basic multipurpose hangers, sturdy, thick, I think I bought them at Target. They were all the same and I had hundreds of them. When I was single, I lived alone and had all the closets from my house to myself – and I filled them all! I loved it, I kept my suits and work clothes in the guest room closet, my casual clothes in my walk in closet, my evening gowns in a smaller closet in my bedroom, and my coats and jackets in the closet downstairs. I had a system and it worked for me.

After I got married, I moved into a different home with my husband. I still have lots of closet space and my own walk-in closet, but I don’t seem to have as much space as I used to in regards to the other closets in the house. I still keep my gowns and jackets in separate closets, and non-seasonal clothing in the guest room closet. The hanging space in my walk-in seemed to decrease compared to my previous closet. As a result, I was left with less space to hang my work and casual clothing.

My husband heard me comment about this and one day, after a visit to the Container Store he came home with a set of these Huggable Hangers for me. He said I should try them. I fell in love! They are great, they maximize the closet space and prevent clothes from slipping. The initial process of changing over all the hangers was a bit of an undertaking. In the end, it was worth it. Over the years, I have bought more of these hangers and have started converting the other closets in the house to these hangers as well. I recently bought three more sets – and they were on sale, yay!

At the Container Store they cost about $1 per hanger, $10 for a pack of 10, but worth it since they help me maximize the space in my closet. You can also find similar hangers in other colors and other brands at Wal-Mart,  Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, or Costco (best deal 100 hangers for $49.99). The price is lower for other brands.

Have you tried these Huggable Hangers? Which type of hangers do you use?



The sets I recently purchased: 2 shirt sets (use for tops & dresses); 1 suit set (use these for jackets, pants, & suits)


They were on sale, yay!

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These hangers maximize the space in my closet – these are some of my tops & blouses.

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I also use these hangers for dresses.


And, for my exercise jackets.

DSCN4061These are the type of hangers I used to have in my closet. They take up more space.



Feeling Naked Without This

Is there an item that you wear everyday that you feel naked if you do not have it on? Be it a piece of clothing, jewelry, make-up?

Apart from my phone, I never leave home without this item: my wedding ring. It is funny, but it has become such a part of what I wear everyday. I was thinking about it the other day. Why is it so important to me to wear it everyday and why do I feel like something is missing if I don’t have it on? I came to the conclusion that wearing my wedding ring everyday when I leave the house is like taking a piece of my husband and our love with me. Every time I look at the ring, it reminds me of him, of us, our marriage, and the love we share. I know, may sound cheesy, but it is true.I even wear it to go to the gym. I sometimes go to the gym without any make-up or earrings, but I am always wearing my wedding ring.

For some, the one item they feel naked without may be a watch, lipstick, mascara, a certain necklace, a pair of earrings, or a scapulary. What item do you wear everyday that you feel naked without? Do you know why you feel this way? Does it just make you feel better or is there an emotional connection to the item?


DSCN4025Tying  my tennis shoes before heading to the gym to workout.

Age: Can Be A Sensitive Topic

Today at the gym, a woman asked me my age. She’s a stranger and right out just asked me my age. We were exercising on the stationary bikes (she was two bikes away from me) and I was reading a book, when she greeted me with a “hello” and asked me what I do to stay thin. I smiled and replied, “exercise and diet.” Then she asked me if I had children, to which I replied, “no, not yet.” After that, she asked my age and before I could answer, she immediately followed with, “Are you in your thirties? You look like you are in your early thirties.” Then she said, “I am fifty.” Her directness kind of surprised me. For some women, unless we are at the doctor or filling out some type of official application, asking our age can be a sensitive subject. Men, for the most part, could care less about sharing their age with others.

For me, age is a number and the most important things are to feel happy with your life (at whatever stage you are at), and to be healthy! I am happy to be at the point of my life that I am at and to have learned from my experiences over the years. In certain aspects, I think I am wiser now than I was ten years ago and I try to no longer sweat the small stuff.

Even though I consider age as a number, I’ll never forget a physical I took when I was in my late twenties, which at the end said, “based on your results, you have the health of a 17-year-old.” Yes, a 17 year-old! Yay! So, as long as I feel good and am healthy, that is what matters.

Age is also in one’s attitude. There are people who are 17 that seem like they are 100 or more, and others that are 80 and seem like they are in their twenties because of their positive spirit and energy! I choose to try to stay positive and in good spirits! How about you?

I saw this test recently (on and took it, just for fun. It is quick, with only 10 questions that supposedly determine “How Old You Are At Heart.” Not sure what the questions are based on (the site does not provide an explanation), but I took it anyway. I am 25 at heart, and you?

Do you think women are more sensitive about age than men? When was the last time someone asked you your age? Do you freely shared your age?



PS – Birthday Vacation at Calistoga RanchThoughtful Birthday Gifts I received. 

Weekend Fun


This week flew by! What are your plans for the weekend? My husband is preparing for a hunting trip, so I’ll be spending some time with him in his man cave 🙂 I also plan to spend time with our kitties and hopefully relax like Blackie does. He loves to lay by the window and get some sun. I think he enjoys the view from our patio more often than we do! I will also do some reading and catch up on my magazines. Once they start getting stacked on the coffee table, it is time to go through them. Hope you have a nice weekend!

Here are some links from the web – some are fun, some are yummy, some made me reflect, others are just cute! Hope they make you smile.


I would have loved to have one of these dolls when I was growing up. Would you buy one? / Me hubiera encantado tener una de estas muñecas cuando era niña, tu comprarías una?

Not your average French manicure: Six French manicures that are far from boring. / Seis estilos diferentes de manicure Francés.  

Add some fall spice to your pancakes. / Añadele un toque de otoño a tus hotcakes. 

This song made me start dancing in the living room…because, how can you not dance to it?  Did your hips start moving when you listened to it? / ¡Esta canción me hizo bailar en la sala!

Fashion Week New York is in full swing: Live from Fashion Week. / Fashion Week en Nueva York.

Roseanne Barr remembers Joan Rivers: Hail, Hail, A Vagenius Has Left This Realm. / Roseanne Barr recuerda a Joan Rivers.

Mix it up with these healthy breakfast muffins. They look pretty too! /     Panques nutritivos para el desayuno.

Ariana Huffington invites you to try 33 Days to More Well-Being, it’s free! I signed up. / 33 Días Hacia Sentirte Mejor.

Movie I am looking forward to seeing: Romantic comedy with Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, & Jane Fonda, need I say more? / ¡Película que estoy anticipando con gusto ver!

Small romantic wedding – in France. Glad to see Brad & Angelina got married – and shared pictures. Not that it is any of my business anyway 🙂 / Brad y Angelina se casaron – y comparten sus fotos.

For my yogi friends: X-ray Body in Motion – Yoga. / Para mis amigos yogi: Rayos-X Cuerpo en Movimiento – Yoga.

If you watch a DVD: I found this movie interesting and suspenseful, plus I like Liam Neeson movies. Thumbs up & it’s available at RedBox for a dollar & cents. / Si vez un DVD: esta película me gusto – y esta disponible en RedBox por un dolar y centavos.

Hundreds of umbrellas float above streets in Portugal – simply beautiful! / ¡Cientos de paraguas flotan sobre calles de Portugal – hermoso!

If you like Soda Stereo, you’ll miss him & his music. Si te gusta Soda Stereo, lo extrañaras a el y  su música.

Looking Good While Exercising = Feeling Good

As you know, I try to exercise often, to maintain my weight, but it is also part of my lifestyle. I feel better when I exercise – and sleep better, it also helps me de-stress! I try to find ways to make exercise fun. Lola, my close friend and exercise buddy, is part of that fun! We exercise together at least once a week.

I try to have a variety of exercise outfits that I like, and most importantly that I feel comfortable in. It makes me feel good to look good (& comfortable), even when I am exercising. Lola is the same way. Every once in a while, she’ll show up with a new exercise polo, cute top, or complete outfit! I mostly wear exercise tank tops and black leggings. Last week, I was looking for some new sports bras and went to TJ Maxx because the store is close to the gym, plus my friend Edna had mentioned a necklace she bought there. I hadn’t been to that store in years. To my pleasant surprise, I found a few other nice items…and this cute RBX Active exercise top (only $14.99), all at great prices! I liked the exercise top so much, that I bought one to give to Lola as a gift!

Yesterday, when I walked into her home, she immediately complimented me on my new exercise top. I said thank you and then gave her a gift bag. Inside was the exercise top for her! She started to laugh and even her husband got a kick out of it. This is not the first time I do this, in the past, I have given her exercise tops & outfits that I also buy for myself, but this was the first time I was also wearing that same item.

I have a few favorite exercise tops and pants, and it seems I wash them every week. But, I promised myself I will start using the exercise clothes at the bottom of my drawers, to add variety to my exercise ensembles.

Do you have any favorite exercise outfits? Do you feel better when you exercise in cute outfits? I’d love to hear about them – and you can also share pictures along with your comment 🙂



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Date Night: Sushi On The Rock – La Jolla

Date night is a good way to change up your routine, get out on the town, and see new places! My hubby and I eat out a few times per week, but usually at a handful of places close to the house or we get take-out. The rest of the nights I cook him dinner, make a snack for me (I try not to eat a heavy dinner) and we eat together at home.

I had been wanting to go to La Jolla and finally talked my hubby into it. He is such a sweetheart that he even accepted to go to Sushi on the Rock with me….and he doesn’t like sushi. I used to spend more time in La Jolla when I was single, usually dinner with friends or out on a date. Sushi on the Rock was one of my favorite restaurants, mostly because I love sushi….oh, and the food is good, there is a nice view from their patio, and the prices are reasonable.

It was nice to go to La Jolla on an official “date night” with my hubby. I put on a little black summer dress and we were on our way to La Jolla. We had a nice conversation and laughs over dinner.  It was a relaxing evening, no rush to get home to get things done! We did a little window shopping on Prospect in La Jolla after dinner.  I bought a hat and my hubby bought some books. Overall, it was a very nice evening! We got out of the house, change up our routine, and connected over “date night!” We even held hands as we walked around La Jolla, how romantic….what more can a girl ask for?

Below, I share some pictures from our date night….hope you like them!

Do you go out on date night? Where? Do you have a special place you go to or do you go to different places?


En ESPAÑOL después de estas fotos.

Arriving in La Jolla. / Llegando a La Jolla.

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My entree….my favorite, a rainbow roll (took the California roll home, it was too much food). / Mi platillo….mi favorito, el rollo arco iris (me lleve el rollo California a casa, era mucha comida).

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My hubby had egg rolls & fried rice. / Mi marido ceno los rollitos de primavera-chun cun y arroz frito.


We shared dessert, deep fried sundae….I had two bites & the strawberries 🙂 / Compartimos el postre, un sundae empanizado…me comi dos cucharadas y las fresas 🙂

DSCN3026 There are a multiple art galleries in La Jolla, with beautiful pieces! / ¡Hay varias galerías de arte en La Jolla, con piezas hermosas!

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Some stores already have fall attire displayed. / Algunas tiendas ya tienen ropa de otoño en sus ventanales.

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Geppetto’s, one of my favorite toy stores. / Geppetto’s, una de mis tiends de juguetes favoritas.


Benefit was closed after we left the restaurant, I’ll have to come back! 😉 / ¡Benefit estaba cerrada depués de que salimos del restaurante, tendré que regresar! 😉

ESPAÑOL:  ¡Salir una noche  con tu pareja es una buena manera de cambiar la rutina, salir a pasearte en la noche, y ver lugares nuevos! Mi marido y yo salimos a cenar unas cuantas veces por semana, pero por lo regular es a restaurantes cerca de la casa u ordenamos algo para comer en casa. El resto de las noches, le hago cena y yo me preparo una botanita (no me gusta cenar platillos pesados) y comemos juntos en casa.

Tenía ganas de ir a La Jolla y por fin convenci a mi marido. Es tan lindo conmigo que hasta acepto ir a Sushi on the Rock… y a el no le gusta el sushi.  Antes, cuando era soltera, yo pasaba mas tiempo en La Jolla cenando con amistades. Sushi On The Rock era uno de mis restaurantes favoritos, principalmente porque me encanta el sushi…ha, y también porque la comida es rica, tiene buena vista del patio, y los precios no son caros.

Fue lindo salir a La Jolla con mi maridito en una salida romantica “oficial.” Me puse un vestidito veraniego negro y salimos rumbo a La Jolla.  Tuvimos una conversación amena y risas durante la cena. Fue una cena relajada, sin tener que apurarnos para llegar a casa por un pendiente. Después de cenar, salimos a caminar y ver las tiendas por Prospect en La Jolla.  Me compre un sombrero y mi marido se compro unos libros. ¡Fue una noche muy amena!  ¡Nos salimos de la casa, cambiamos la rutina, y nos conectamos en una “noche fuera!”  Hasta nos agarramos de la mano mientras caminamos por La Jolla, que romántico… qué mas puede pedi una chica?

Aquí les comparto unas fotos de nuestra noche fuera…. ojala les gusten.

¿Tu sales en una noche romántica con tu pareja? ¿A dónde? ¿Van a algun lugar especial o cambian de lugares?

Un abrazo,


¡Celebrate A Ti Misma! Dedicate Un Día en Celebrando Latina

¿Cuando fue la ultima vez que te dedicaste un día a ti misma? Como mujeres cuidamos a muchas personas, los hijos, el marido, hogar, trabajo, y más! La ultima persona a la que pensamos en cuidar aveces resulta ser uno misma. Somos fuentes de amor para nuestras familias y amistades, pero si no nos cuidamos, esa fuente se puede secar. Es fácil caer en la rutina de las ocupaciones de nuestras vidas cotidianas. No nos damos tiempo para aprender cosas nuevas que nos motiven, ir a que nos consientan en una estética, o simplemente de respirar profundamente. ¡Tu haces mucho y te mereces Dedicarte un Día a Tí – el 23 de agosto!

Es por esto, que Fanny Miller, editora y presidenta de Periódico El Latino, tuvo la visión de crear la Conferencia Celebrando Latinas. ¡Es la Conferencia mas grande en Español en todo el país creada especialmente para mujeres Latinas, como tu y yo! ¿Apoco no es emocionante poder ser parte de esta gran Conferencia? ¡A mi si me emociona! Es un día dedicado a ti, la mujer Latina de hoy que tiene muchas responsabilidades, pero aun así se quiere superar, aprender, divertirse, y ser feliz. ¡Será un día para rodearte de la energía positiva de mujeres como tu y de conectarte con otras Latinas!

Te podrás dejar apapachar con un mini-cambio de maquillaje y ver lo ultimo en las tendencias de la moda en el desfile de modas. Habrán sesiones educativas que te motivaran, con temas de: autoestima, éxito, valores, nutrición, carreras profesionales, y finanzas. Contara con la participación de oradores reconocidos, una Expo con exámenes de salud gratuitos, belleza, tecnología, y negocios. El día culminará con la Fiesta Celebrando con música y entretenimiento. Ademas, tu boleto incluye almuerzo – todo esto y mas en el hermoso hotel Hilton Bayfront en la bahía de San Diego.

¡Unete a mi y Latinas en San Diego, trae a tu hermana, mamá, y comadres, y ven a Celebrando Latinas! ¡Será un día divertido, que enriquecerá tu vida, y recordarás!

¡Yo estoy anticipando con gusto el día de la Conferencia y espero verte ahi! Para mas detalles y comprar tu boleto, visita las oficinas de El Latino, en 555 H Street, Chula Vista, visita, o llama al 619-426-1491. Compra tu boleto hoy ya que se agotan.

Un abrazo,

celebrando fb cover page

Expanding Your Happiness: 21 Day Meditation Experience with Oprah & Deepak

Super Soul Sunday on OWN is one of my favorite shows. Every Sunday morning I look forward to watching it. The shows are inspirational, thought provoking, and positive. They often make me reflect on my own life. Oprah Winfrey hosts the hour long show, and interviews one person on each program, usually an author, athlete, business leader that has gone out of the box, poet, guru, musician, or actor. Each one of them has an inspirational story to share.

Recently, Oprah interviewed Deepak Chopra on the program. During a commercial break, I saw a promo regarding the Oprah & Deepak Expanding Your Happiness – 21 Day Meditation Experience. I went on my iPad and looked it up on the OWN website, made a note of the date and later registered on-line. Did I mention, this meditation experience (guided meditation) is FREE? It is FREE!! Oprah & Deepak  have partnered in the past for free on-line meditation programs, but this is the first time I was aware of the dates and signed up to participate. I didn’t know what to expect, but being a fan of both of them, I knew it would be good!

The meditation started a few days ago. I’ve been doing it for a week now and love it! I find (make) the time at night, to meditate just before I go to sleep. I use my iPad to sign-in to the site, put on my earphones, an eye mask, turn off the bedroom light, and place the IPad next to me (I close the cover to avoid the bright light). It is very relaxing! I am able to meditate, to listen to the positive messages shared by Oprah & Deepak in the opening of each meditation session. Each session is only 20 minutes and there is a theme for each day. Below are samples of themes thus far. The meditations include relaxing nature music which soothes my mind after a busy day! I feel like I am at a spa….but I am at home, meditating!

You can still sign up – for FREE! Each meditation theme stays posted in the site for five days. So you may miss only a few of the starting days, but no worries, you can start on the first day available on the site. You can sign-in to do the daily meditations at a time in your day that is convenient for you. I promise you, it is wonderful!

Hope you sign up and enjoy it as much as I am enjoying it! You deserve to dedicate 20 minutes in your day to your well-being! This meditation practice brings me peace every night and is the best way to  end my day in relaxation!

Do you meditate? Have you heard of this Meditation Experience with Oprah & Deepak? If you are already signed-up for it, what do you think? Are you enjoying it?

Namaste friends (& hugs too),


oprah deepak day 1 picture oprah deepok day 3 deepok oprh day 3 i am peace deepok oprah day 4- I am Love deepok oprah day 5 i am playful deepok oprah day 7- hope

Birthday Vacation: Francis Ford Coppola Winery

Hi friends –

My hubby and I had been wanting to visit the Francis Ford Coppola Winery in Northern California for some time. He had already been to the Winery about five years ago, but we wanted to go wine tasting together. During one of our visits to San Francisco last year, we had made a dinner reservation at the Winery, but decided to stay in the city instead and ended up canceling the reservation. When we were planning the trip for my birthday this year, my hubby suggested we visit the Winery. It was a wonderful way to spend our last day in wine country!

The Francis Ford Coppola Winery is owned by Coppola – the famous movie director. We have enjoyed their wines over the years and it was a treat to visit the Winery. It is a unique winery, because it has a Hollywood twist to it, with memorabilia from many of Coppola’s & his daughter Sofia’s movies. The views of the vineyard are breathtaking and there is a pool where families can enjoy their day. The history of the Winery and Coppola’s vision for it can be found on the website.

The Winery is a destination worth visiting! You can spend the entire day there… some wine tasting, take a tour, have an Italian lunch, visit the Movie Gallery (museum), buy some wine or movie related gifts, take a dip in the pool or catch some rays in a lounge chair as you relax….then do some more wine tasting at one their multiple bars.

I’ve been to multiple wineries and this one is a special one! If you visit wine country in Northern California, this is a must see winery! The visit will be memorable!

Here are some pics from our visit, hope you like them!

Have you tried the Coppola wines? Do you have a favorite winery?



PS – Birthday Vacation at Calistoga Ranch in Napa, the The Auberge Spa, and Mount Shasta. Plus, thoughtful birthday gifts I received.


Arriving at the Winery.

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The gates at the entrance are a popular picture spot


The first thing you see when you arrive is the guest services area, like you would see at a theme park. Staff is super friendly and one of them even walked us to the restaurant.


We had lunch at Rustic – it is traditional Italian cuisine & delicious!


My hubby opted for the Tasting Menu.

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My hubby’s main entree – rigatoni and meatballs.


I ordered a caesar salad as my entree.


We tried the wine flight.


And, he selected Panna Cotta for dessert.


They also brought me a little cake because we were celebrating my birthday!


The restaurant also offered an assortment of wines and cocktails.

DSCN2044 The patio seating at Rustic – with an amazing view!

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The bar located just outside of Rustic.


The exhibits from the Movie Gallery (museum) – continued below.

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One of the tasting bars – located in the middle of the Movie Gallery.

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The desk & chair from The Godfather movie! Awesome! Those movies are classics!


Coppola’s many awards!

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The second level of the Movie Gallery.



The gift shop.


The tasting bar located on the second level.


Poster from the movie his daughter, Sofia Coppola, directed.


Picture with his daughter.

DSCN1999 The Pool Cafe.


The pool & cabines area (cabanas).


The Pavilion.

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Every detail follows the Winery’s theme – even the elevator had movie memorabilia!


It was a beautiful, warm & clear day – to visit the Winery! The perfect way to wrap up our vacation in Northern California!


We headed back to the city – San Francisco to catch our flight back home.  No matter how many times we drive over the bridge, it never gets old! We love SF!

Learning to Meditate: Clearing My Mind Before Going to Sleep

Hi friends,

Learning new things and about other cultures is fascinating to me. I believe in personal growth and continuous improvement. Over the past years, I have learned from my experiences, and have become a more positive, balanced, and reflective person. Guess it comes with age – and experiences (good and bad experiences). To a certain degree, I have also become a calmer person, a more understanding and accepting person. I work everyday on trying to be appreciative and demonstrate gratitude for the many blessings I have, to let go of the things I cannot control or change. In the past few years, I have adopted the motto, “As long as someone is not hurting me or affecting me (or a loved one/others) in a negative way, then I just let it be and focus on the positive things in my life.” I can only control my words and actions, not those of others. Life is short, I try to enjoy it and am trying to live in the moment, which can be hard to do with my type A personality.

In the past, I have practiced yoga and found it to be relaxing. Lately, I have had so much on my mind and find it challenging to turn off my thoughts even during yoga. My thoughts just enter my mind a thousand miles a minute, making it difficult to get into my “yoga relaxation zone.” Sometimes, it is exhausting to have so much on my mind. Exercise and yoga have always helped me de-stress, and I am hoping to get back to that place soon – where I can clear my mind and make the best decisions.

I had read about meditation before and have been reading more about it in the past few weeks. I have become very interested in the subject and am trying to learn how to meditate. The first meditation technique I learned during a class was from Brooke Bunge, yoga instructor, at Calistoga Ranch. Brooke told me to relax in a comfortable position, focus on my breathing, and either to repeat a word of choice or to count my breaths. By word of choice, she meant a word that applied to the moment, if I wanted to relax to repeat that word, if I wanted change to repeat that word, if I wanted clarity, to repeat it, you get the drift.

Since we returned from Calistoga, I have tried to meditate every night before I go to sleep. I start by laying on my back (in bed) in a comfortable position, then repeat the word “peace.” Or, if I have had a very hectic day, I repeat “relax”over and over. I place my hands on stomach so I can feel the breathing and be aware of it. I start with deep breathes and then gradually more relaxing breathes. Many thoughts drift through my mind (mostly my “to do” list, or things that happened during the day, or thoughts of things that are months away), I just try to keep repeating the word and visualizing what “relax” represents for me. At some point, when I am ready to go to sleep, I turn on my side because I can’t sleep on my back. Then, before I know it, I feel relaxed and fall asleep without the hundreds of thought continuing in my mind.

I have also tried meditating at the gym as part of my cool down after exercising. I’ll share more about what seemed like loooong 10 minutes of meditation in one of my next posts. I have also found some interesting materials to read and a meditation that will be done globally. Oprah will also be hosting a free 21-day Meditation Experience, along with Deepok Chopra. I signed up for both. I’ll write about these soon!

Have you meditated? What do you think of meditation?




Birthday Vacation: The Auberge Spa at Calistoga Ranch

Hi friends,

Hope you are all doing well! Sorry, I’ve been absent for a few days. I’ve been dealing with some things. For now, writing and sharing with you is a nice experience for me and brings me peace, so I will continue to share. I appreciate your support and hope you like these posts – at least as much as I like sharing them with you!

I am continuing with the pending posts from my birthday celebration – here are the pictures from The Auberge Spa at Calistoga Ranch. It was quite a treat! The spa is on the property, nestled in the wooded canyon of Napa. The Spa’s website describes it as a “rejuvenating natural Napa spa sanctuary,” and it is just that, a sanctuary! The spa is unique, it is completely open and feels like you are in a tree top in the middle of the canyon. There are multiple relaxation areas, soaking pools that overlook the creek, outdoor garden showers, and an area with lounge chairs where you can enjoy some natural rays from the sun.

Before our trip, my hubby and I had booked appointments to go to the spa together, but then he found out his favorite soccer team was playing in the finals of the World Cup, so we called to change his appointment to an earlier time so he could enjoy the game (BTW, the team he was rooting for won). My hubby got a sports massage, I got a Classic Ranch Massage (swedish massage) & customized facial. The massage was quite good, they have a signature oil, among other massage oil options. There was one unique method during the massage which I had not experienced in the past – while I was laying on my back with a massage roll under my knees, the massage therapist held my legs up and rocked them from side to side, then folded them to each side for a few seconds. It was similar to a stretch done in yoga, but she was holding the weight of my legs. She said it as a good stretch for the lower back. For the facial, I lucked out with the lead esthetician – she gave me a skin analysis and a facial which included peptides and multiple natural antioxidants. She also gave me their signature sculpting facial massage, which is used in Japan, and is supposed to tone and firm the skin. This sculpting facial massage was a first for me.

The spa feels very private and because I booked my treatments for the middle of the day, I was the only one there. I had the entire spa to myself! It was very relaxing! During my facial, I asked if the spa is open to the public. I was told the spa is reserved for the exclusive use of guests staying at the resort, which explained why felt so private and quiet. It kind of makes sense since there is only one entrance to the Resort and once you check in, you are transported everywhere on golf carts.   She did tell me that previous resort and spa guests can visit the spa by calling the spa directly and mentioning they had a treatment there in the past. So, they may make the exception for previous guests.

I bought a moisturizer for my face and a peptide cream. I started using the moisturizer recently, let’s see if I notice a difference.

Here are some pics from my visit to the spa – hope you like them!

When was the last time you went to a spa, or got a massage or facial? Do you have any spa recommendations?



PS- I’ll share pics from our last day in Napa and our visit to the Coppola Winery in one of my next posts.


Arriving at the spa – the signage says Bathhouse.

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The key for my locker – cute, a Calistoga Ranch wine cork is used as a key chain (the resort has its own wine).


The women’s dressing room area, there are only fourteen lockers, it is quite a private resort.


They have all the regular “freshen up” amenities available at a spa. I took a quick pic in the robe 🙂



Outside of the women’s dressing room area, there is a private sitting area and two outdoor showers. The other lounge areas, outdoor showers, and soaking pools at the spa are co-ed.


One of the sitting areas.


The refreshment area.


The weather was warm – I stayed refreshed with this fruit infused water.



The main lounge “relaxation” area.


There was also a variety of hot teas available.


The lounge chairs overlooking the creek.


This jacuzzi is kept hot, due to the war weather, I opted for the soaking pool (pictured below).

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I saw this beautiful dragonfly on my way to the soaking pool.


I enjoyed some time in this soaking pool. It was nice that it was covered, so I got shade (& protection) from the sun.


Behind those glass doors there is a sauna. The towels in the bowl are kept on ice.  I freshened up at this outdoor shower before I went in for my massage and facial.

Overall, the spa is amazing! Just like the spas we see in magazines!

Hope you liked these pics! I’ll share pics from our last day in Napa and our visit to the Coppola Winery in one of my next posts.

Birthday Vacation – Part 2: Calistoga Ranch

Hi friends,

For the second part of my birthday trip, we spent two days at Calistoga Ranch – An Auberge Resort, in Napa. It is an amazing Resort! This is where we celebrated my birthday. My hubby really outdid himself with this gift! Every detail was taken care of, it was a very nice & personalized experience!

The resort is set back into the mountains of Napa , with only about 60 lodges on the property, giving guests privacy and tranquility. Each lodge is located on an individual lot and guests are transported throughout the Resort on golf carts.

Here are some pictures from our stay at Calistoga Ranch! If you want to celebrate a special occasion, I recommend this resort! It will be a memorable & unique experience!

Hope you like the pics!

Have you been to Napa? What was a memorable vacation you took?



PS – I’ll share pics from our visit to the spa in the next blog post.  


Arriving at Calistoga Ranch.


This is where guests are greeted upon arrival.


The reception area.

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This was our lodge – 138 Lake. It was a little piece of heaven in wine country!



We were greeted with a birthday surprise! Such a treat! My hubby had made the arrangements for this, ahhhh, so romantic!


My hubby had also gotten me a spa package for the next day.


Our room…..heaven!!!


Each lodge comes with it’s customized IPad.


This bathroom is gorgeous! With a bathtub in the middle, shower in the corner, and two separate vanity sections. It has windows looking toward the outdoor shower.


Of course, the women’t vanity is the larger one….that is what our host told us as part of the tour of the lodge.


The outdoor shower….amazing! I showered here that evening. It was nice to look up to see the stars at night!

The walk-in closet.


During our stay, I enjoyed a relaxing bath with these citrus salts.


Our deck. We sat here to enjoy some Calistoga wine in the afternoon.


The weather was in the 90s, which is quite warm for me, so I was wearing a light summer dress with sandals. I had brought another dress & heals to change into for dinner, but it was so warm and the restaurant has an outside deck, that I decided to simply add a light scarf to my outfit and remove my hat. And, I called the restaurant ahead of time to confirm casual attire was appropriate.


Our room was turned down for the evening. Robes & slippers are always a nice touch.


Fresh water was set by our bed for the evening.


I was going to try to take a stroll before dinner….and this rascal surprised me! More like – startled me! He was on the deck located by the entrance of the lodge, I couldn’t leave without crossing his path. I am afraid of large squirrels because once in San Francisco a squirrel (a small one) climbed up my husband’s sweater and almost tried to get into his shirt! So, I stay cautiously away from them. This particular critter was quite big, it looked more like a big cat than a squirrel!


It kept running on our deck and onto the tree. I took these pictures from inside the room.


He kept me hostage for about 15 minutes!


Then, I realized he was thirsty. By that time, we were ready to head out for dinner and my hubby went on the deck to ensure the little critter went back to the canyon side (and off our deck!), before I came out of the room.


This is the walkway toward our lodge.


The wine cellar.


The restaurant. It is only available for guests staying at the Resort.


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The restaurant overlooks a lake and canyon area, these deer were just a few steps away from us.


My hubby had the three course menu – with steak as his main entree.


I stuck to one entree – a lamb dish. I rarely eat meat, this dish was tender and quite tasty, with mushrooms and pasta!


My hubby had some sorbet for dessert (sorry, not pictured)….at the end of the dinner, they brought us these little lemon tart treats, so cute! Perfect for the palette!


I went for a walk throughout the Resort in the evening. It was quiet and serene. You can definitely disconnect and relax here.


The pool was open 24 hours and lit up for the evening (but nobody was there).


The next day, we got an early start and enjoyed room service for breakfast. I started this new year right, with fresh fruit and rich coffee! It was a treat to have a relaxing breakfast with my hubby! The perfect way to start my birthday!


After breakfast, I took a yoga class on the deck. I was able to stretch, relax, and reflect. A wonderful start to a relaxing day!

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This is Brooke Bunge, the yoga instructor. Her class was excellent! She taught me some relaxation and meditation techniques. I have been using them every night before I go to sleep and they help me clear my mind.


After yoga, I changed into a summer dress and went for a walk.

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The restaurant – with the mountains in the background. This view was breath taking! I was glad I ventured over the bridge and got to see this view.

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The pool area looked even more beautiful during the day!

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Oh yes, there was a gym….an open air gym overlooking the pool. It was a little too warm for me to use the gym. There was also an enclosed section with air conditioning….in case you are wondering, because I did!


The Resort also had bicycles guests could borrow. There are some vineyards close by making for a scenic bicycle ride.

After the walk, I headed back to our lodge to change for my appointment at the spa. I’ll write about my spa experience in my next post. It is a unique & beautiful spa….I’ve never been to a spa quite like this one, it made me feel like I was at a spa located in a tree top!

4th of July Celebration

How did you spend the 4th of July? Did you go to the beach, a barbecue, and did you go see fireworks? We went to the 4th of July Celebration held at the Olympic Training Center. It is a family friendly event, with music, dancing, children’s activities, food and of course, fireworks.

We brought our own little picnic table and chairs, and set up in the grass area. It was fun to catch up with my sister and spend time with the boys!

Afterwards, we went to my sister’s home for a visit and they gave me my birthday gifts! I hadn’t seen my sister in about two weeks and missed her. We enjoyed a margarita and chatted for a while! It was a fun fourth of July with family!

Here are some pics from our time at the event….in case you want to take  a look 🙂

Hope you enjoy your weekend!

What did you do this 4th of July?



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We set up our picnic table & chairs in the grass area. That evening we gave our nephews the animal finger puppets we brought them from Mount Shasta, they played with them all evening!


My nephew was in the front yard of his home waiting to greet us when we arrived! He was waiving the flag & dressed in a red, white, & blue RL Polo shirt, very stylish & appropriate for the 4th! He also had a lei on, too cute!


There was music & dancing!


And food…..I got some tri tip & potato salad for my hubby.


It was nice to see lots of families dancing this year!


Then, the fireworks started!


My favorite part was seeing the amazement in my nephews faces!

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There were lots of oohs & aahs!


DSCN2154Margarita time!


¿Como festejaron el 4 de julio? Fueron a la playa, una carne asada, o a ver los fuegos artificiales? Nosotros fuimos a la Celebración del 4 de Julio organizada por la Asociación de Eastlake, en el Centro de Entrenamiento Olímpico.  Es un evento para toda la familia, con música, baile, actividades para niños, comida, y por supuesto fuegos artificiales.

Trajimos nuestra propia mesa y sillas, y nos acomodamos en el area de vacate. ¡Disfrute el tiempo con mi hermana y sobrinos!

Después del evento, fuimos a la casa de mi hermana y me dieron mis regalos de cumpleaños. Tenía casi dos semanas que no veia a mi hermana y la extrañaba. ¡Disfrutamos unas margaritas y platicamos un rato! ¡Fue un 4 de julio divertido, con la familia!

Aquí hay algunas fotos del evento…..por si las quieren ver 🙂

¡Ojala disfrutes tu fin de semana!

¿Qué hiciste el 4 de julio?

Un abrazo,


DVD for the Holiday: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Hi friends,

Hope you are enjoying your Fourth of July holiday! We are relaxing at home today, while I catch up on the blog. Later on, we’ll meet my sister, brother-in-law, & the boys to head to see fireworks in Eastlake.  I am excited to see them!

This long weekend, is ideal for watching a movie or getting a DVD to watch in the comfort of home. Recently, I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and it is a movie that made  me reflect! First of all, I like Ben Stiller and think he is an entertaining actor. Ben plays Walter Mitty, he also produced and directed the movie. The movie takes you through what begins as Walter’s ordinary life, transformed by some amazing trips. The changes he makes are somewhat forced on him due to changes at the company where he works. It also includes a romantic story with his Kristen Wiig. And of course, I have to mention that there is a  brief part by Sean Penn, he always seems like Mr. Cool, ha! Overall, it is an entertaining, feel good movie, with some amazing locations! I liked it more than I had expected to, which is always a nice surprise. It is rated PG, making it a good option for the entire family.

We rented the movie at Red Box and enjoyed watching it at home. You can watch the movie trailer here: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Will you be watching any movies this weekend? Do you recommend any good DVD movies you’ve seen recently?



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