Have Fun With Dinner: Making Pizza At Home

Lately, I’ve been cooking more for my hubby and trying new recipes. We both like pizza, but of course, I rarely eat it because I know it is high in calories and sodium. Every once in a while we’ll get a take-out pizza. My hubby is allergic to cheese, so we order it without cheese.

I had always been curious about making a pizza at home, since it seems like fun! Guess what? It is fun! I bought the Boboli Mini-crusts and Francisco Rinaldi meat flavored tomato sauce at Target. We had the ham (from Trader Joe’s) and Classico tomato and basil sauce at home.  The two individual pizzas were easy to make & quick. They are ideal for an easy to make dinner during the week or a fun lunch on a weekend. Plus, you can add the toppings you want! I particularly liked that I was aware of the ingredients, calories, and that I could control how much or little of each ingredient I added.

The Boboli crust was tasty. To try other options, next time I will make pizzas with wheat pita bread or naan bread. These may be a healthier and low-calorie options. When I bought the crust, I did not realize it had cheese (I was in a hurry at the store and did not look too closely at the package). Before adding the sauce, I simply removed a thin layer of the top of the crust with a knife, since my hubby doesn’t eat cheese. And voilá – we enjoyed pizzas at home! It was fun! And, clean up was a cinch! Let me know if you try it at home and what ingredients you add! Next time, my nephews visit, I’ll offer to make pizzas with them. This recipe seems like it would be fun to make with children!

Have you made pizza at home?


En ESPAÑOL después de estas fotos.

The ingredients: pizza crusts, ham, tomato sauce (seasoned for pasta or pizza). I decided to make one with each type of sauce, since my hubby likes meat flavored sauce. They both tasted very similar when the pizzas were cooked.


Here’s the info regarding the crust and a recipe for pepperoni and spinach pizza.


The Classico tomato and basil sauce has about half the calories, less fat and sodium than the meat flavored sauce.


The information regarding the meat flavored sauce.


Preparing the crusts (removed the top layer because it had cheese, oops).


Cut the ham into small pieces.


Adde the sauce.


Add the ham.

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Covered the pan with aluminum foil for easy clean-up.


Placed the pizzas on the pan.


Baked at 450 degrees, for 8-10 minutes.


Voilá, the pizzas are ready! Slice & serve.


And, they passed the taste test! My hubby liked them and I’ll be making them again! They were quite tasty!!


PS: You could also add your favorite cheese to the pizza.

ESPAÑOL: Recientemente, he estado cocinando mas seguido para mi maridito y usando recetas nuevas. A los dos nos gusta la pizza, pero claro, no la como seguido ya que puede tener muchas calorías y sodio. De vez en cuando ordenamos una pizza para entrega en casa. Mi marido es alérgico al queso, así que la ordenamos sin queso.

¡Siempre había tenido curiosidad por hacer una pizza en casa, ya que parece divertido! ¿Y saben que? ¡Es divertido! Compre Boboli Mini-crusts para la harina (corteza) y salsa de tomate con sabor a carne marca Francisco Rinaldi en Target. En casa ya teníamos el jamón (una opción con menos sodio de Trader Joe’s) y salsa de tomate con albahaca marca Classico. Las dos pizzas individuales fueron fácil y rápidas de hacer. Son ideales para una cena rápida de preparar entre semana o una almuerzo divertido en fin de semana. ¡Y puedes agregar todos los ingredientes que gustes, como queso, jamón, pepperoni, o verduras! A mi me gusto que me di cuenta del contenido de los ingredientes, las calorías, y pude controlar la caridad de los ingredientes que le agregue.

La harina Boboli sabe rica. Para intentar otras opciones, a la próxima haré las pizzas con pan de pita integral o naan. Estas pueden ser opciones mas saludables y bajas en calorias. Cuando compre la harina, no me di cuenta que ya venia con queso (andaba a la carrera y no me fije muy bien en el dibujo del paquete). Antes de agregar la salsa de tomate, simplemente le corte la capa de arriba para quitarle el queso, ya que marido no come queso. ¡Y voilá – disfrutamos pizzas en casa! ¡Fue divertido y la limpieza sencillisima! ¡Si haces una pizza en casa, me encantaría saber de ti y que ingredientes le pusiste! La siguiente vez que me visiten mis sobrinos, ofreceré hacerles pizza con sus ingredientes favoritos. ¡Me parece que hacer pizzas en casa con niños será una actividad divertida para hacer en familia!

¿Has hecho una pizza en casa?

Un abrazo,


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