Last Saturday was a fun-filed day! I was the host and emcee for Westfield Plaza Bonita’s Fall Fest. Thousands of people came out to enjoy the event! There were Fall Fashion Shows with the latest trends in Continue reading
Category Archives: Beauty
Behind the Scenes at Ch 6 Interviews for Fall Fest
We had an on-location shoot at Westfield Plaza Bonita for Fall Fest with reporter Amanda Shotsky and videographer Jeremy Flint, from CW Ch 6. We shot four live segments for Continue reading
Join Us at Fall Fest at Westfield Plaza Bonita: Free Family Fun & Fall Fashion Shows
For more than eight years, I have been volunteering as emcee at events at Westfield Plaza Bonita and Westfield Mission Valley. The events are always fun and free to the public! There is also a charity cause linked to the events. This Saturday, October 24, I am looking forward to co-emceeing the Fall Fest at Westfield Plaza Bonita, along with radio personality Continue reading
Fashion Week San Diego 2015
The Region Celebrates Local Designers At Fashion Week San Diego 2015
Did you know that San Diego has its own Fashion Week? It is called Fashion Week San Diego (FWSD), it’s an event which highlights local designers. This year, the event Continue reading
No Light Miracle Gel Nail Polish Review
There are hundreds nail polish options. I have been using nail polish since I was a teenager. For the last five years, I have been using Continue reading
How To Make Eyeshadow Last 24 Hours & Crease-free
There are multiple make-up tips and tricks I’ve learned throughout the years. I am always looking for new make-up trends and products which help make-up last longer after application. One of the best products I found Continue reading
Simple 1-Step Treatment to Maintain Hair Moisturized & Healthy Looking
During the holidays, we often used the hair dryer, curler, straightener, and other appliances to style our hair. My hair is fine and the ends break easily, but I like to have long hair, so I use deep conditioners to keep my hair moisturized and looking healthy. I know there are multiple treatments out there, from the homemade ones, to the ones applied at a beauty salon. Today, I am going to share a deep conditioning treatment that is simple and practical. If you are like me, you are busy and don’t always have time to go sit in a beauty salon for a few hours. The hair treatments applied at beauty salons are highly recommendable and about every two months I get those treatments, but it usually combined with my hair cut appointment, so it doesn’t require a special visit to the salon.
Over the years, I have used multiple deep moisturizing treatments, from very expensive products to some prepared at home. A few months ago, I read about a treatment recommended in a magazine. This treatment has given me such good results, that I have purchased it to give as gifts to my mom & nieces. I like that the application is simple, so it fits into my busy lifestyle, and it is inexpensive, so it fits into my budget. The deep moisturizing treatment I’ve been using is Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist, it only costs $3, and comes in a purple 8 ounce bottle, which lasts multiple weeks. It is also easy to find since it is sold at most stores that carry beauty products, such as Target, Walmart, or CVS, so I don’t have to drive across town to a particular beauty supply specialty store like I used to do with other more expensive treatments. There are other moisturizing treatments available and they will likely give similar results, but I have yet to find another treatment at this price that gives such good results. The important thing is to use a treatment on a regular basis. Normally, I wash my hair four times per week. The first thing I do when I get into the shower is wash my hair with shampoo and rinse it, I squeeze the excess water from my hair & pat the ends dry with a towel (I place to towel on the top of the shower door beforehand, so it is close by when I need it). I apply the treatment on the ends of my hair (from the ears down) and put it up with a clip, avoiding it get wet. It is optional to wear a shower cap. I continue showering and am careful not to place my hair under the showerhead, leaving the treatment in my hair for at least 3 – 5 minutes. The last thing I do before I get out of the shower is rinse my hair with warm or cool water. I dry and style my hair as usual, using the same leave in conditioner and light argan oil that I have used for years.
My stylist and I have noticed that over time with this simple moisturizing step, my hair is healthier. And, I don’t need to spend a bundle or lots of time on a hair treatment.
In an ideal world, we would all have tons of time and money to go to a beauty salon to get deep conditioning treatments, but in my real world, I am glad to have found a product that fits into my busy schedule and also fits into my budget.
Do you use a deep conditioning treatment at home? Which one? Do you get treatments applied to your hair at a beauty salon? I’d love to hear your recommendations on hair products.
P.S. – Let’s stay connected on Facebook: Paola Hernandez-Jiao; Instagram paolahernandezjiao; Twitter @paolahernandezj
En ESPAÑOL después de fotografías.
Tratamiento Sencillo De Un Paso Para Mantener Tu Cabello Humectado y Luciendo Saludable
Durante las posadas estuvimos utilizando en nuestro cabello la secadora, pinsa, laceadora, y otros aparatos. Esto resulto en resecar las puntas de nuestro cabello. Mi cabello es fino y se quiebra facilmente, pero me gusta traerlo largo, asi que utilizo tratamientos de humectación profunda para mantenerlo luciendo saludable. Se que hay varios tratamientos, desde los caseros hasta los que se aplican en estética. Hoy les voy a compartir un tratamiento sencillo y práctico. Si son como yo, están ocupadas y aveces no pueden ir a sentarse horas en la estética. Los tratamientos en estéticas son recomendables y aproximadamente cada dos meses me hago esos tratamientos, casi siempre son durante la misma cita de corte de cabello.
Al paso de los años, he ultilizado varios tratamientos, desde productos caros, hasta los hechos en casa. Hace tiempo, leí de uno recomendado en una revista. Me ha dado tan buen resultado, que se lo he regalado a mi sobrina y mamá. Me gusta que la aplicación es práctica, así que se acomoda a mi estilo de vida, y es barato, así que se acomoda a mi presupuesto. El humectante profundo es Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist, cuesta $3, y el tubo dura varias semanas. Hay otros humectantes disponibles y dan resultados similares, lo importante es usarlos con regularidad. Normalmente, me lavo el cabello cuatro veces por semana. Lo primero que hago al entrar a la regadera es lavarme el cabello, me exprimo el exceso de agua del cabello, y uso una toalla para secar las puntas. Aplico el humectante en las puntas y recogo el cabello con un broche, evitando que se moje. Continuo bañándome, dejando el humectante 3 – 5 minutos. Lo último que hago antes de salirme de la regadera es enjuagarme el cabello con agua tibia. Mi estilista y yo hemos notado que con este paso sencillo, la salud de mi cabello ha mejorado. Y, no tengo que gastarme un dineral en tratamientos, ni dedicarle mucho tiempo.
¿Tu utilizas algún tratamiento humectante profundo para el cabello? Me saber de tus recomendaciones.
Un abrazo,
P.D – Hay que conectarnos en Faceboook Paola Hernandez-Jiao; Instagram paolahernandezjiao; Twitter @paolahernandezj.
Top Five Nail Polish Colors of the Season
This holiday season is full of color – colorful decorations at our homes, offices, the malls, even the streets! Everywhere you look you see lights and color! It makes me smile! That color is also seen in our wardrobes, make-up, and nails.
Recently, I was invited to see the comedic movie Top Five starring Chris Rock. The title of the movie got me thinking of the Top Five Nail Colors of the season. From bright reds, to blues, and pastels, color is on our nails as well. These are the Top Five Nail Colors I have been wearing this season – and from what I have seen in fashion magazines and on women’s nails everywhere, these are the Top Five Nail Colors for the winter:
Red: The Holidays just inspire us to wear red, even on our nails! Polish shown is Gelish, Red Roses.
Purple: Polish shown is Shellac, Grape Gum.
Blue: Polish shown is Wet n Wild fastdry, Saved By The Bell 230C.
Pastel Colors: This winter season pastel colors are in trend, from jackets, to sweaters, scarves, and nail polish. Polish shown is Gelish, Glamour Queen.
Dark Burgundy: Dark colors in polish such as burgundy, brown, gray, almost black are in trend during the winter. Polish shows is Gelish, Bella’s Vampire.
Are you wearing any of these nail colors this season? Or, what nail polish color are you wearing?
In case you are curious about the movie Top Five, here’s the trailer. I am a Chris Rock fan & am looking forward to seeing it! It looks funny!
Keep Your Skin Glowing During the Winter Season
During winter it is cold, windy, and the air is dry, which can make our skin to feel dry and flaky. Our face is the part of the body which is most exposed to the harsh elements of the weather and these may cause our skin to become sensitive. During the winter months we can follow five simple steps to help keep our skin moisturized and looking beautiful!
1 – Moisturize: The facial moisturizer we use during summer may be too light for the winter months. During winter use a moisturizer that is thicker and heavier to help fight the extreme weather elements. At first, the moisturizer may seem heavy to the touch, but once you notice how fast the skin on your face and neck absorb it, you will know your skin needs a heavier moisturizer this time of the year. The best time to apply moisturizer is right after you get out of the shower or wash your face, and at night before you go to sleep. If possible, allow your skin a few minutes to absorb the moisturizer before you lay down at night. This way you maximize the benefit of the moisturizer on your skin and part of it doesn’t get immediately rubbed off onto your pillowcase or sheets. Apply a lip moisturizer or Vaseline on your lips before you go to sleep. I keep a small jar of Vaseline in my nightstand and apply it every night.
2 – Avoid Hot Water: Even though taking a shower or washing our face with hot water may feel pleasant during winter time, it isn’t beneficial to our skin because the hot water actually strips moisture from our skin. It is better to use warm water and take shorter showers.
3 – Avoid Products with Alcohol: Products with high alcohol content and harsh ingredients can over dry the skin. Try to use a milder or gentle face wash and make-up remover.
4 – Stay hydrated And Eat Healthy: This is a basic rule of thumb to follow year-round, but in the winter it may seem we may get less thirsty because the weather is not hot. Our bodies still need to stay hydrated. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, particularly those containing vitamin C, which may help the body produce collagen. Eat foods containing omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, olive oil, and avocado.
5 – Protection: It is challenging to avoid going outdoors in the winter, but we can protect our skin. Try to avoid extremely cold winds because these can irritate your skin. Use sunglasses when possible to protect the skin around your eyes, a hat, and a scarf. A hat can provide coverage for your forehead and even your ears depending on the style. A scarf will protect you neck, and can also be used to wrap over the nose and mouth area in the case of windy weather. Apply sunblock on your face and neck, and chapstick on your lips.
If your skin gets excessively irritated during the winter season, it is recommended that you visit a doctor. The doctor can tell you if you have a medical skin condition. If you have oily or sensitive skin, consult your dermatologist before using a new moisturizer or skin care product, to confirm it is adequate for your skin type.
Do you change your moisturizer in the winter season? Do you think you drink less water during the winter months? Share your skin care tips, I’d love to hear from you.
Manten Tu Cutis Luciendo Bello Durante el Invierno
Durante la temporada de invierno hace frio, viento, y hay menos humedad en el ambiente, y esto puede causarnos resequedad en el cutis. Nuestra cara es la parte del cuerpo que esta mas expuesta a los elementos del clima y estos pueden causarnos sensibilidad en la piel. Durante el invierno, podemos seguir estos cinco pasos para ayudar a mantener nuestro cutis humectado y luciendo bello.
1 – Humectar: El humectante facial que usamos durante el verano quizas sea demasiado ligero para uso en el invierno. En el invierno utiliza un humectante mas espeso para ayudar a combatir los elementos extremos del clima. Los momentos claves para la humectacion son al salir de bañarse o en cuanto uno se lava la cara, y el la noche antes de dormir.
2 – Evitar Agua Caliente: Aunque darnos un baño con agua caliente quizas se sienta agradable durante el invierno, en realidad no es bueno para nuestra piel ya que el agua caliente la reseca. Es mejor bañaras con agua tibia y darse banos mas cortos.
3 – Evita Productos con Alcohol: Los productos que contienen alcohol pueden resecar el cutis. Procura lavar tu cutis con un jabon o desmaquillante mas suave y humectante.
4 – Mantente Hidratado y Come Saludable: Es importante tomar agua para mantenernos hidratados. Consume productos con grasas naturales y omega 3, como el aguacate, aceite de olivo, nueces, y pescado. Come frutas y verduras que contengan vitamina C, como las naranjas. La vitamin C puede ayudar a que el cuerpo produzca colágeno.
5 – Protegete: Es dificil evitar salir durante el invierno, pero si podemos proteger nuestra cara. Procura evitar los vientos extremadamente frios ya que estos pueden irritar tu cutis. Utiliza lentes para proteger la piel alrededor de los ojos, un gorro, y una bufanda. Aplica bloqueador solar en la cara y cuello, y vaselina en los labios.
Si tu cutis se irrita excesivamente durante el invierno, es recommendable que visites a un doctor. El te podra indicar si tienes una condicion medica relacionada con la piel. Si eres de cutis graso o sensible, es recomedable que visites a un dermatologo antes de utilizar un humectante o producto de limpieza facial nuevo, para confirmar que este sea adecuado para tu tipo de piel.
Un abrazo,
Fashion Week San Diego 2014: Part 1
Fashion Week San Diego is here! If you like fashion and beauty, this is the annual event to attend! The event is being held from September 29 – October 5. It includes five nights with runway shows, art, beauty, and on the sixth day there will be a Trunk Show and the Fashion Awards. The runway shows are being held September 30 – October 4, at the Broadway Pier in downtown San Diego. The Trunk Show and Fashion Awards will be held on October 5, at The Horton Grand Hotel & Theatre, in the Gaslamp area of downtown San Diego. The runway shows and Trunk Show/Awards are events open to the public and tickets can be purchased at the door. Ticket prices, event schedule, list of designers, and more information can be found on the Fashion Week San Diego website. You can still attend three more days of the event!
Lola joined me for two days of the runway shows. We enjoyed the event and seeing the latest trends. The designers are local and it is good to support local talent! It was nice to run into some familiar faces and designers I’ve met at past events! Here are pics from Day 2 – Part 1: Woven Together Runway Show (see link for list of designers). There were so many nice pieces that I took lots of pictures. I will divide the posts for Day 2 & Day 3. There was also a Haute Dog Runway Show benefiting the Rancho Coastal Humane Society, the doggies are adorable & available for adoption!
Hope you like the pics!
Have you been to Fashion Week San Diego this year or in the past? Do you know or wear items from local designers?
In this post – Designers: Lisa B Collection, Jessica Lynn, CW Couture, & Haute Dog Runway Show
Weekend Fun……Stretching Summertime
Hope you had a nice week! What are you up to this weekend? Even though we are already in the second week of September, the weather continues to be warm & the sun is shining brightly, so let’s try to stretch summer a few more days! If you go to the beach….try to touch the water and get your feet wet! It feels amazing! I started the weekend with dinner out last night with the hubby. Today, I’m heading to a baby shower and looking forward to time with friends, and all the aaahs & oooohs when the gifts are opened, of course! Here are a few links from the internet: some cute, some about beauty, tips, yummy food, and mostly just fun! Hope you like them and they make you smile!
Have a wonderful weekend….hugs,
Funny thoughts shared by a mom of three, made me laugh!
Tis’ the season: Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe – you can make at home, looks delicious!
The Velvet Berry Lip: how to apply it correctly – going to get one for the season. It’s beautiful & intense!
If you like espresso: the Handpresso, a travel-sized espresso maker. Nice, you can get your coffee fix even when you travel!
Silly things couples argue about: it’s the little, everyday things that can get on your partner’s nerves. This funny video, made me laugh out loud!
I need this after yesterday’s dinner! That is what I get for eating fried & salty food! Five Tricks to Beat Bloat Now.
Doesn’t everyone love to get a Gift With Purchase: Estee Lauder gives you an 8 piece gift.
Movie I am looking forward to seeing, trailer looks good: The Maze Runner, reminds me of The Hunger Games.
Feeling Naked Without This
Is there an item that you wear everyday that you feel naked if you do not have it on? Be it a piece of clothing, jewelry, make-up?
Apart from my phone, I never leave home without this item: my wedding ring. It is funny, but it has become such a part of what I wear everyday. I was thinking about it the other day. Why is it so important to me to wear it everyday and why do I feel like something is missing if I don’t have it on? I came to the conclusion that wearing my wedding ring everyday when I leave the house is like taking a piece of my husband and our love with me. Every time I look at the ring, it reminds me of him, of us, our marriage, and the love we share. I know, may sound cheesy, but it is true.I even wear it to go to the gym. I sometimes go to the gym without any make-up or earrings, but I am always wearing my wedding ring.
For some, the one item they feel naked without may be a watch, lipstick, mascara, a certain necklace, a pair of earrings, or a scapulary. What item do you wear everyday that you feel naked without? Do you know why you feel this way? Does it just make you feel better or is there an emotional connection to the item?
Tying my tennis shoes before heading to the gym to workout.
Birthday Celebration at Spa Velía
Hi friends,
As you know, Lola is one of my closest friends. Every year for her birthday, I try to get her a special gift. It is challenging to shop for a gift for her because she is a minimalist and in addition to that, practically already has everything she wants. She lives in a beautiful penthouse condo downtown with a minimalist decor, so she does not like to accumulate too many things. A few months before her birthday, I start to pay attention to things she points out when we go shopping or things she mentions in conversations.
This year, I had purchased a few small gifts for her, but was missing the key main gift. Like me, Lola has a busy schedule and sometimes does not have the time to go to a spa or simply pamper herself. But, she really likes spa days, just like I do. So, when I received an invitation to visit Spa Velía, I saw a light go off, like magic, aha! I had found the gift! This year it would not be an item, it would be a memorable experience! The gift I gave Lola this year was to buy a massage for her and set up a spa day! Even though we have been friends for many years, we had never gone to the spa together. She has a home in Baja and goes there almost every weekend, which is probably why we hadn’t been to a spa together since I usually go to spas on weekends. I looked at Spa Velía’s website and learned that they are open everyday. On weekdays, they are open from 10:00am – 9:00pm, Saturday 8:00am – 9:00pm, and Sunday 9:00am – 7:00pm. We could go on a weeknight, making it the perfect option! As much as I wanted to surprise her, I had to book the appointment, so I had to tell her ahead of time. She was excited and so was I! We booked the appointment two weeks ahead of time and were looking forward to it!
The spa is located downtown, in the Harbor Club Towers, across from the Convention Center. We were going to walk from her home since it is just a few blocks away, but it was windy that day, so we asked her husband to give us a ride. We did walk back after our massage, which was perfect because by then it was dusk and the weather was a warm spring evening!
When we arrived we were greeted by their friendly staff and escorted upstairs. We were given a quick tour of the spa. The lights at the spa are kept dim, even in the hallways, so you are in the zen as soon as you walk into the elevator. The music is relaxing and everything is immaculate! In addition to the massage rooms, there are rooms for skin care treatments, and a steam room with lavender eucalyptus oil. We went to the dressing room and changed into robes and sandals, which are provided by the spa. The robes are black, which is different from other spas I have been to that usually provide light color robes. The black robes give it a touch of chic and style!
Marcy, was the massage therapist that gave me the massage. We had a nice conversation, mostly at the beginning of the massage because I had all kinds of questions. I am always interested about learning new things. I asked about the spa and herself. The spa used to be located in Little Italy and moved closer to the downtown Gaslamp area to an expanded location. Marcy has been working there for more than five years and from my massage, I can tell you she knows what she is doing! It was one of the best massages I have ever had! It was deep and she touched pressure points. My massage was from the top of my head to the tip of my toes! When she was massaging my hands, I could feel it all the way to the top of my arm and when she massaged my feet, I could feel it all the way to the tip of my head! Amazing! It was a deeper massage than I am used to, but it was fantastic, I had some tension and knots on my neck and she focused on those. She also used a technique to stretch my neck which I had never experienced. I have had a neck massage before, but never like this, it felt very relaxing, like a yoga stretch. She used organic sunflower oil, which was also a new experience for me. My skin absorbed it easily, leaving my skin feeling very soft. Lola and I got the 50 minute Velía Vitality massage, which is based on Swedish and circulatory therapies. Lola’s massage was given by Lily. Lola said she also greatly enjoyed her massage!
After the massage, Lola and I met at the relaxation lounge area which has plush sofas and a large table. There was tea, fruit infused water, cookies, fruit, and nuts. We were treated to the signature champagne, their pomegranate mimosas. It was delicious! We spent about two hours in the relaxation room talking, enjoying the classical music and amenities! Our spa visit was a little more than three hours and we enjoyed every minute of it!
The prices at Spa Velía are very reasonable, starting at $50 for the 25 minute Velía Vitality massage, $90 for the 50 minute massage. They have multiple options for skin care, massages, waxing, and body care. They also have spa packages and spa parties. There is a nice shop with candles, skincare products, and jewelry.
I plan to come back! Maybe for a spa day with my husband, then we can go to dinner or for a walk afterwards, since the restaurants in the Gaslamp area and Seaport Village are just a few steps away! I’ll also keep it in mind for spa days with friends and my sis! Or, simply come on my own to relieve the stress of a long week! Next time, I may get the purifying facial. There is a good promotion for first time visitors, $20 discount on each new service. The best way to book an appointment is on the Spa Velía website or by calling 619-235-0000.
Lola and I said we’d come back in a few weeks. We both work hard and take care of our families, we owe it to ourselves to get pampered every once in a while!! As Lola said, “this was wonderful and the best way to let go of the stress of our day!”
Special thanks to Samya for the invitation and to the Spa Velía team for making our afternoon at the spa a wonderful experience!
Lola checking in as we arrived to enjoy an afternoon at the spa to celebrate her birthday!
This is the room where I had my massage…ahhh, it was bliss!!
The relaxation room….we met here after our massages, we were in heaven!
Lola enjoying the signature mimosa! Next to her is Lily, the massage therapist that gave her a massage.
This is Lily, she gave me my massage. It was one of the best massages I have ever had! I was so relaxed afterwards, I even look a little sleepy in this picture, haha!
The tea section.
The tea cups went perfect with the spa’s theme.
Lola and I enjoying the amenities, and toasting for her birthday.
I want to print this picture and remember this everyday! I had lots on my mind that afternoon, but was able to clear my mind at the spa and focus on that moment….to enjoy time with my friend and celebrate her birthday!
We looked around the store before we left. There are lots of skin products, candles, and jewelry. In addition to buying items for oneself, this is a good shop to buy gift items!
These Aura candles are made locally. It is nice to see that the shop at the spa carries local products!
We both left feeling relaxed, pampered, and happy to have dedicated some time to ourselves with massages!
I took these last two pictures on our walk back to Lola’s home. These are the Harbor Towers where Spa Velía is located.
The walk was the perfect ending to a blissful afternoon at the spa!
Easy Way to Change Up Your Look
Hi friends,
Being a woman can be fun and has many positives! I love being a woman, for many reasons – on a kind of superficial side, I like that we can change up our look quite easily with make-up and hair! In general, men only have clothes to change up their look, maybe they could grow their hair longer or grow a mustache or beard. But us women, we can color our hair, cut it, wear it up, wear it down. We can wear pants, skirts, dresses, jumpers, capris, shorts, skorts, you name it! And, we also have make-up to have fun with. What’s your mood today? Red lips or natural make-up? Maybe a smokey eye? Bronzed look? Bright pink lips or nude lip? Why not add some falsies to our eyelashes for some extra fun? You get the idea. We, as women, have many options when it comes to our appearance and this can be fun!
Even though I fix my hair in different styles, up, down, half up, french twist, up-do in a bun, ponytail, etc…when I wear my hair down I always part it on the same side. I have a picture from about 15 years ago where I am wearing my hair straight and parted in the middle. It was taken at a night club, with my sister and older brother, and some friends, so the picture has some sentimental value. When I look at it, I also ask myself, why don’t I wear my hair like that someday just to change up my look. So, last week, I decided to part my hair in the middle. I wore it parted in the middle for work and to go to a party. Even with an up-do, I parted my bangs in the middle. Many people noticed a difference, they couldn’t quite tell what it was though. I mostly got positive feedback and remarks on my face looking different, some comments about my eyes looking larger, some said it was a glow (even though my make-up was the same). The producer I work with the most often did compliment me on my hair specifically, so he noticed the change was in the hair, but he asked me if I had lightened it. My sister was the only one that noticed it was the hair being parted in the middle. Not even Lola noticed, until I pointed it out. Of course, my hubby did not notice it, but he usually does not notice things like this. I think I would have to make a drastic change to my hair for him to notice a change. He says I always look nice, and he does notice and compliment me when I wear “extra nice”outfits (on days even I know I made an extra effort).
I did feel different. I would observe my features in the mirror and noticed how it made them look different. Funny what a part in our hair can do.
So, next time you want to change up your look a little. Part your hair to the opposite side or in the middle. It is amazing what a simple change like this can do.
How do you part your hair? Do you usually always part it to the same side or in the middle? Do you generally wear your hair up or down? How much time do you spend fixing your hair everyday? I’d love to hear from you!
Wishing you “good hair” days, my friends!
Below are pictures of how I usually part my hair, to the side, always the right side:
Which do you prefer? Which do you think looks better, to the side, or parted in the middle?
Photography by Lola Raggio
Find of the Week: Lancome Gift With Purchase
Hi ladies (& men),
Lancome has a gift with purchase promotion this week, with the purchase of $39.50 or more, at Nordstrom stores!
I just happened to be at Westfield UTC this evening and went to Nordstrom to check the price of the night moisturizer. This evening, I ended my workday with a meeting in North County. I called my husband and we decided to meet at the mall. We had wanted to go to UTC together for a few weeks since he had given me a carry-on spinner as a Valentine’s gift. It was an impromptu visit that happened to work for both of us. It took him a while to get to UTC, so while I was waiting I stopped by Nordstrom and was pleasantly surprised to see Lancome had a gift with purchase promotion! Yay! Find of the Week!!
The Lancome day & night moisturizers I have been using the past month were travel size items from a gift with purchase I got recently at Macy’s. I have noticed a positive difference in my skin and decided to purchase the normal size night moisturizer. Luckily, Nordstrom had a promotion, so I purchased the moisturizer and also got the gift items included!
The night moisturizer I had been using was the Bienfait Multi-Vital Night, high potency night moisturizing cream, which is one of their lightest moisturizing creams (not necessarily anti-wrinkle). While at the counter, I inquired with the associate and she suggested I use the next level of night moisturizer, which was the line of day moisturizer I have been using. The next level up is the High Resolution Night moisturizer, Refill-3X, triple action anti-wrinkle night cream, which I purchased. I have used Lancome moisturizers and serums in the past, but this is the first time I buy an anti-wrinkle cream. I am in my late 30’s and my skin is changing, which means I need to start using products that will help my skin remain moisturized and hopefully youthful looking 🙂 I started using the moisturizer tonight. At $98.00, it is not inexpensive, but a light layer of moisturizer goes a long way and makes my skin feel hydrated. I will use it and in a few weeks do a review, and let you know how it is working for my skin. At the end of the day (or years), I figure I will have this skin for the rest of my life and it isn’t getting any younger, so if I continue to moisturize it, maybe I can slow the aging process of my skin (or at least the appearance of it). I know, I can’t stop it, but maybe I can help the process by taking care of my skin. It is amazing what a good moisturizer, avoiding over exposure to the sun, and using sunblock can do to help our skin look good!
Stay tuned, I’ll review the night moisturizing cream soon.
The Lancome gift with purchase promotion ends this Sunday, or until supplies last this week, so if you want to take advantage of getting these extra gifts, go to a Nordstrom store and purchase your favorite Lancome item. Also, you don’t have to have a Nordstrom card to purchase the promotion. You can pay with another credit card, debit card, check, or cash 😉 I was surprised to learn this today, at some department stores you have to use their credit card to take advantage of the “gift with purchase” promotions.
Do you use Lancome facial moisturizing creams or which brand do you use? Do you have a favorite day or night moisturizer you recommend? Do you use anti-wrinkle moisturizers? Share your favorites!
You receive a 7-piece gift, these are the items you can select from.
This is the night moisturizing cream I purchased and my gift with purchase items. The associate also gave me a sample serum (burgundy bottle), so I can try it out.
This is the night moisturizer I purchased.
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Changing It Up: Blue Nail Polish
Current trends in nail polishes include different colors, glitter, patterns, stickers, and even art on your nails. I have seen blue nail polish on my sister’s nails, as well as women around town and thought it looked wonderful on them….but it was maybe not my style, just not for me. I had never worn blue nail polish….at least not that I can remember. Maybe I had used light blue or turquoise polish as a teenager, but not this bright rich blue. I usually wear polishes in bright red, dark brick red (most common color worn this past year), natural colors, pinks, or a french manicure.
I usually do my manicure (with gel nail polish & the UV lamp) at home about every three weeks – I try to stretch it as long as I can. I love gel nail polish (more of that in another post)! Every few months, I will go get a professional manicure and this time decided to change things up a bit, to be adventurous, ha! An easy way to change things up is to change your nail color, so I selected blue because it is a color I did not have at home and had never tried before. I got so many compliments! The nail polish only lasted about a week before it started chipping (I did not get a gel manicure at the salon), but I liked the color so much that I decided to buy blue polish. I went to Target and there were a number of options in blue tones from multiple brands. I opted for this Wet n Wild polish (Saved by the Blue) because it was the one that most closely matched the color I had on my manicure from the salon. Plus, it was only $2, so I wasn’t making a big investment here (gel polishes are about $18 each, but last for about a year or more) – also bought a Sally Hansen clear top coat nail polish (which I applied). I have gotten so many compliments on my nails, from colleagues at work, friends, my sister & nieces of course, random people on the street, and cashiers at stores. I get a few compliments on my red polishes or when I wear a french manicure, but the compliments on the blue polish have been many.
So, if you want to try something different or something that is the latest trend, just change your nail polish color. It is simple and inexpensive. Even if you don’t think a certain color is your style, as I did with blue, just try it! After all, changing your nail color is a short commitment because you can easily remove it after a few days if you change your mind, ha! Maybe I will try gold next! I also have my eye on a lilac color!
Have you tried blue nail polish or any of the latest trends in nails? Do you use regular nail polish or gel? Which do you prefer? Do you get your nail polish done at a salon or do you do it yourself at home? What is your favorite nail polish color? I am curious, do share your comments!
Nail Polish: Wet n Wild fastdry, Saved By The Blue 230C, purchased at Target
Secret Weapon to Remove Make-Up When I am Tired
One thing we may all have in common these days is that we all seem to be busy, way too busy, as if there just aren’t enough hours in the day (at least on weekdays). Am I right?
I had acne when I was younger and still get a break-out occasionally, so in addition to taking care of my skin to preserve it looking nice and healthy, I try to avoid breakouts by removing my make-up daily. This is an important part of my daily beauty routine and helps my skin breathe at night, particularly because I wear heavy make-up when I have television shoots. Some nights, I am just exhausted or busy, and I don’t remove my make-up as soon as I arrive at home. I will make dinner for my husband, then clean the kitchen, do stuff around the house, prepare my outfit for the next day, and before I know it, I am in my pajamas and in bed….dreading that I have to get up to remove my make-up. Particularly in cold weather, it is hard to get up from under the warm covers. Sometimes, I’ll say to myself, I’ll just sleep a little and get up later to remove my make-up. That works sometimes, but I don’t rest very well because I keep thinking that I have to get up to wash my face. About 90% of the time I will get up to wash my face, but that interrupts my sleep, which is not optimal.
On a recent weekend trip to visit my mom we stayed up into the wee hours of the morning catching up. Once we were getting ready to go to sleep, she pulled out her make-up removal towelettes. I noticed how she easily removed her make-up with the towelette and she told me how much she likes them. So, I tried one and it removed my make-up pretty well and my skin felt soft and hydrated the next morning. I am not certain it is as effective as using my usual make-up remover and face wash, particularly because I don’t apply face moisturizer & eye cream when I use the towelette, but it is definitely better than going to sleep with my make-up on. I recently purchased Olay Wet Cleansing Towelettes and keep them next to my night stand. On nights when I am super tired, like last night….I simply pull one of these out and remove my make-up as I am laying in bed, then just apply lip moisturizer (which I keep in my nightstand drawer). So, if you are a busy person like me and sometimes wish there was a simply option to removing your make-up on long days, you may want to try this option. It works for me and I am pretty selective about what I use on my face! Have you used make-up removal towelettes on your face? If yes, which one’s do you use?
PS – How to Make Eyeshadow Last 24 Hours & Crease-less and FWSD The Art & Beauty Behind Fashion.
Look at how much make-up they removed. I even use them to remove the eyeshadow, mascara, & lipstick.
I purchase the Olay make-up removal towelettes for sensitive skin (alcohol-free), but there are many other brands as well. I purchase these at Target for $4.99 (packet of 30 towelettes). You can find these type of products at Walmart, Target, CVS and many other drug stores.
FWSD 2013: The Art & Beauty Behind Fashion
Fashion Week San Diego (FWSD) was held recently – I was looking forward to the fashion shows and events for a few weeks! The runway shows were held at the Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier, a very appropriate venue for this event! I wasn’t able to attend all of the events due to other commitments, but did attend the first three days. The first day was titled The Art & Beauty Behind Fashion which featured beauty industry experts. The experts spoke about their experience in fashion as it relates to beauty, nails, hair, & makeup. There were also local artists doing live art demonstrations and a silent auction. My friend Lola went to the event with me and we had fun. It was interesting to learn about how the speakers got involved in the industry and about the beauty tips they shared, as well as the latest trends in beauty. Have you been to FWSD?
PS – My Love of Wrap Dresses and The Little Blue Dress.
Find of the Week: Lancome Free Gift
Hi ladies,
My Macy’s promotional catalogue arrived yesterday and I saw that Lancome has a free gift with purchase! Yay! I use Lancome products and needed to buy the eye cream, so this was perfect timing! The promotion is a 7 piece gift set with any $35 or more Lancome purchase. It includes a cosmetics bag and six best selling products (pictured – you choose: a serum, a moisturizer, a perfumed body lotion, a make-up look of blush & lipstick, and receive a mascara). The eye cream I purchase costs $60, so it qualified for the free gift. I actually use most of Lancome’s gift with purchase items, particularly for traveling, and find them useful as a way to try out new products. The lip stick is full size, so it is quite useful. I’ve used their serums before and selected the Vissionnaire option to try it because my friend Lizeth recommended it recently. I like using the perfumed body lotions on weekends instead of perfume or at night before going to bed. I selected the Blush Subtil option because it is more of a brown/orange tone bronzer and because I already have a few pink blushes. Instead of the moisturizer, I requested if I could exchange it for a small eye cream and the sales associate accepted, which was very nice of her.
I am not one to buy items just because there is a free gift with purchase, but with Dior and Lancome I do because these are brands I use daily and I like the quality of their products. In this case, I know I will use the items from the gift set.
When you arrive at the Lancome counter, the sales associate let’s you select the items from the options available – and you mark them on a sheet.
There is an additional bonus gift available for two days only – on Friday, August 16 & Saturday, August 17, receive the deluxe sample of eye cream (while supplies last). Since I went today, I asked if I could pre-buy today to receive the 7-piece free gift and receive the bonus gift. Luckily the associate was nice enough to say yes since she was unpacking the bonus gifts. Hey, it never hurts to ask, the worst they can say is no.
And, while at the Lancome counter, I noticed that for a $70 purchase you could receive three more additional items: an eyeshadow palette, the eye make-up remover (which I exchanged for a serum), and a face wash. So, I purchased a mascara ($28) and that qualified me for the $70 minimum.
The free gift options with the $70 purchase included the eyeshadow palette or this eyeliner in brown or black. I selected the eye shadows, but since the associate noticed I was reading the info on the sample eyeliner, she also included it, yay! I chose the brown eyeliner. I guess it helps to pre-buy and be one of the first customers!
This is the eye cream and mascara I purchased. I like both products and use them regularly, the eye cream in particular because it is effective and hydrating.
In total, I paid $93.96 for both items and received all of the items pictured below! What a great deal! The 7-piece gift set alone is valued at $101 – $128! The eyeshadow palette, serum, and face wash are valued at $132 – $171, So in total, I received an additional $233 – $299 in products.
And, since the bottom of the form I filled said “Choose a Makeup Look – be sure to ask for a free sample of you ideal foundation,” well I asked for a free foundation sample that best matched my skin. These samples are useful for travel and to test new foundations.
The Lancome free gift with purchase is good while supplies last. These promotional items run out quickly, so if you plan to take advantage of it, I suggest you go soon!
Do you use Lancome products?
Simple Beauty Tip for Moisturized Lips
There are some beauty tips that are pretty basic and simple, yet have great results! I have a few beauty items in my night stand, one of them is a small jar of petroleum jelly, I use the Vaseline brand. I have been using this product every night to moisturize my lips for years! I keep this tiny jar of Vaseline in my night stand, this way, it is the last thing I do just before I turn off the light to go to sleep. Since I keep it in my nightstand, it is convenient, at an arms reach & I don’t forget to apply it. Even when I travel, I have a small tube of it in my bag with my facial products & place it on the night stand at the hotel. Due to the weather and in my case, the make-up, lip liners, and lipsticks I use, my lips can get dry. Just a dab of Vaseline at night helps keep my lips moisturized year-round. I don’t use chap sticks throughout the day, and don’t need them because this nightly routine does the trick! Occasionally, I also apply a little on my nail cuticles and hands to moisturize them.This tiny container costs only about $1 and lasts for months. You can find it at most pharmacies, grocery stores, or Target/Wal-Mart. I like using this tiny jar because it does not take up hardy an space in my nightstand.
Petroleum jelly contains a mixture of mineral oils, paraffin, and waxes which will moisturize your skin and help protect and repair it from dryness, according to It helps your skin retain more moisture, so it will repair itself.
So, give it a try…put some petroleum jelly or lip moisturizer in your night stand and start a nightly routine to keep your lips moisturized and looking luscious!
What do you use to moisturize your lips? Do you include a lip moisturizing product in your evening routine?
Note: As with any new product, if you have never used petroleum jelly, test it by applying a small amount on your skin, to ensure you do not have an allergic reaction.