Keep Your Skin Glowing During the Winter Season


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During winter it is cold, windy, and the air is dry, which can make our skin to feel dry and flaky. Our face is the part of the body which is most exposed to the harsh elements of the weather and these may cause our skin to become sensitive. During the winter months we can follow five simple steps to help keep our skin moisturized and looking beautiful!

1 – Moisturize: The facial moisturizer we use during summer may be too light for the winter months. During winter use a moisturizer that is thicker and heavier to help fight the extreme weather elements. At first, the moisturizer may seem heavy to the touch, but once you notice how fast the skin on your face and neck absorb it, you will know your skin needs a heavier moisturizer this time of the year. The best time to apply moisturizer is right after you get out of the shower or wash your face, and at night before you go to sleep. If possible, allow your skin a few minutes to absorb the moisturizer before you lay down at night. This way you maximize the benefit of the moisturizer on your skin and part of it doesn’t get immediately rubbed off onto your pillowcase or sheets. Apply a lip moisturizer or Vaseline on your lips before you go to sleep. I keep a small jar of Vaseline in my nightstand and apply it every night.

2 – Avoid Hot Water: Even though taking a shower or washing our face with hot water may feel pleasant during winter time, it isn’t beneficial to our skin because the hot water actually strips moisture from our skin. It is better to use warm water and take shorter showers.

3 – Avoid Products with Alcohol: Products with high alcohol content and harsh ingredients can over dry the skin. Try to use a milder or gentle face wash and make-up remover.

4 – Stay hydrated And Eat Healthy: This is a basic rule of thumb to follow year-round, but in the winter it may seem we may get less thirsty because the weather is not hot. Our bodies still need to stay hydrated. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, particularly those containing vitamin C, which may help the body produce collagen. Eat foods containing omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, olive oil, and avocado.

5 – Protection: It is challenging to avoid going outdoors in the winter, but we can protect our skin. Try to avoid extremely cold winds because these can irritate your skin. Use sunglasses when possible to protect the skin around your eyes, a hat, and a scarf. A hat can provide coverage for your forehead and even your ears depending on the style. A scarf will protect you neck, and can also be used to wrap over the nose and mouth area in the case of windy weather. Apply sunblock on your face and neck, and chapstick on your lips.

If your skin gets excessively irritated during the winter season, it is recommended that you visit a doctor. The doctor can tell you if you have a medical skin condition. If you have oily or sensitive skin, consult your dermatologist before using a new moisturizer or skin care product, to confirm it is adequate for your skin type.

Do you change your moisturizer in the winter season? Do you think you drink less water during the winter months? Share your skin care tips, I’d love to hear from you.




Manten Tu Cutis Luciendo Bello Durante el Invierno

Durante la temporada de invierno hace frio, viento, y hay menos humedad en el ambiente, y esto puede causarnos resequedad en el cutis. Nuestra cara es la parte del cuerpo que esta mas expuesta a los elementos del clima y estos pueden causarnos sensibilidad en la piel. Durante el invierno, podemos seguir estos cinco pasos para ayudar a mantener nuestro cutis humectado y luciendo bello.

1 – Humectar: El humectante facial que usamos durante el verano quizas sea demasiado ligero para uso en el invierno. En el invierno utiliza un humectante mas espeso para ayudar a combatir los elementos extremos del clima. Los momentos claves para la humectacion son al salir de bañarse o en cuanto uno se lava la cara, y el la noche antes de dormir.

2 – Evitar Agua Caliente: Aunque darnos un baño con agua caliente quizas se sienta agradable durante el invierno, en realidad no es bueno para nuestra piel ya que el agua caliente la reseca. Es mejor bañaras con agua tibia y darse banos mas cortos.

3 – Evita Productos con Alcohol: Los productos que contienen alcohol pueden resecar el cutis. Procura lavar tu cutis con un jabon o desmaquillante mas suave y humectante.

4 – Mantente Hidratado y Come Saludable: Es importante tomar agua para mantenernos hidratados. Consume productos con grasas naturales y omega 3, como el aguacate, aceite de olivo, nueces, y pescado. Come frutas y verduras que contengan vitamina C, como las naranjas. La vitamin C puede ayudar a que el cuerpo produzca colágeno.

5 – Protegete: Es dificil evitar salir durante el invierno, pero si podemos proteger nuestra cara. Procura evitar los vientos extremadamente frios ya que estos pueden irritar tu cutis. Utiliza lentes para proteger la piel alrededor de los ojos, un gorro, y una bufanda. Aplica bloqueador solar en la cara y cuello, y vaselina en los labios.

Si tu cutis se irrita excesivamente durante el invierno, es recommendable que visites a un doctor. El te podra indicar si tienes una condicion medica relacionada con la piel. Si eres de cutis graso o sensible, es recomedable que visites a un dermatologo antes de utilizar un humectante o producto de limpieza facial nuevo, para confirmar que este sea adecuado para tu tipo de piel.

Un abrazo,


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