The Best Summer Hat for Travel & Daily Use


Summer is here! This means sunny days, walks outside, visits to parks, parties outdoors, barbecues, and vacations. I have somewhat sensitive skin and started noticing some dark spots on my skin in the past few years. I have always been aware of wearing sunblock regularly and hats when out in the sun. It was challenging to wear hats at outdoor events when I was working at Continue reading

Fashion With Sun Protection: UPF Hat

About two years ago I lost my favorite summer hat at a spa day with friends at the Glen Ivy Hot Springs in Corona. We were at the spa for a bridal shower and somehow my hat either stayed behind at the spa or ended up in someone else’s car (our items were brought to our cars in a luggage cart),  and I never saw it again. I had gotten that hat in Newport Beach, it had a wide brim, it was simple, and beautiful. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find one quite like it – anywhere! I have looked in San Diego and other cities when we travel.  I like simple summer hats, without big bows, flowers, or too many color combinations or designs. All of my hats look quite similar, just in different sizes or colors. Plus, I don’t like to travel with a delicate or unbendable hat because I don’t want to have to carry it around in my hand at the airport or wear it during the entire flight. I always do carry-on luggage, so a large brimmed hat simply doesn’t fit in my bag. I have a few hats that I use for travel and after being packed several times, they are starting to look a bit rattled up.

So, I knew it was time to get a new hat! I had to let go of the idea of finding an exact replica of the hat I lost and just buy one that I liked. I had been searching for a few months and on a recent visit to La Jolla, happened to visit a store called Blue Apparel, located on Prospect Street. They had a few racks of hats and I started to try them on. I found a hat I liked and bought it. In addition to the style, I also like the ribbon lining it has inside and that it fits my head comfortably. It wasn’t on sale (sold at $30), but the price was reasonable and figured it would be challenging to find another hat that I liked and fit comfortably.

I noticed an interesting tag on the hat that said UPF 50+. UPF stands for Ultraviolet Protection Factor. The hat is made out of paper and polyester. I was glad to find a hat that I liked and as an extra plus, it has UPF! I always wear sunblock and know that hats also help protect our skin from the sun.

Even though we are in September, the sun is still shining bright and we have several weeks of warm weather left! I am looking forward to wearing my new hat this season….& in the spring!

Do you have a hat with UPF? When was the last time you bought a new hat?



En ESPAÑOL después de esta fotos.

DSCN3215 DSCN3217 DSCN3219 DSCN3220 DSCN3224 DSCN3196 DSCN3197ESPAÑOL: Somos afortunados de vivir en una región que goza de días asoleados casi todo el año. Aunque ya estamos en septiembre, el sol seguirá brillando fuertemente por varias semanas. Para proteger mi piel acostumbro usar bloqueador solar diario. Después del humectante facial, me pongo un bloqueador Neutrogena sin grasa en la cara y el cuello. En los brazos, aplico un humectante con bloqueador solar. Aunque se que solo estaré expuesta al sol durante el tiempo que manejo o mientras estoy afuera unos cuantos minutos, se que esos pocos minutos pueden ser dañinos para la piel. Si pasaré tiempo afuera o iré a la playa, y estaré expuesta al sol, también me pongo un sombrero.

Recientemente, compre este sombrero en la tienda Blue Apparel en La Jolla ($30). A mi me gustan los sombreros sencillos, sin muchas decoraciones o estampados. Este estilo de sombrero es clásico y hasta cierto punto sencillo, así que es fácil de combinar y no pasa de moda. En la tienda tenían una variedad de sombreros, aparte del estilo, lo que me llamo la atención de este sombrero es que tiene una etiqueta que dice UPF 50+, que significa Factor de Protección Ultravioleta. El sombrero esta hecho de material de papel y poliéster. Me gusto la idea de que el sombrero proporciona protección ultravioleta. Ciertos materiales proporcionan mas cobertura de los rayos ultravioleta. Hoy en día, los sombreros con protección ultravioleta son mas comunes y están disponibles en varias tiendas. Septiembre es buen tiempo para comprar sombreros ya que es el cambio de temporada y los sombreros pueden estar a precio de descuento.

¡Anticipo con gusto usar este sombrero en las próximas semanas y el año entrante – en la primavera y verano!

¿Tienes un sombrero con protección ultravioleta? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te compraste un sombrero?
Un abrazo,
