Today’s Gratitude Picture: Do Things with Love

love sign checf church

Let All That You Do Be Done With Love – 1 Corinthians 16:14

I saw this little chef statue next to a coffee shop. The verse made me reflect on how I often say, “If you are going to do something, do it well” (I say it mostly in Spanish). I don’t know where I learned this quote, perhaps from my maternal grandmother. In writing this post I searched on Google for the quote and couldn’t find it. I did find a similar quote from Walt Disney, see that one Continue reading

Creating Peace From the Inside Out: The Power of Connection 21-Day Meditation Experience – Presented by Oprah & Deepak


(Graphic from Chopra Center Meditation)

Like other things in life, meditation takes practice. It is one of those things we (I) wish we had more time to do. But, meditation can actually take as little as five minutes a day. In the past two years, I have meditated on and off. In addition to helping me through a tough experience I Continue reading