A Special Week in San Diego: SDLFF


Hi friends,

This week is a special one for movie lovers in San Diego and Tijuana! The San Diego Latino Film Festival is back and features more than 150 movies! The Festival will be held March 13-23 and includes eleven days filled with movies, parties, music, panel discussions, and opportunities to meet actors and directors. This year’s movies include famous actors, such as Continue reading

Easy Tip to Sleep Better / Consejo Facil Para Dormir Mejor


pen note pad 1

Hi friends,

Do you ever find that your mind starts to wander about all the things you have to do? This seems to happen when we are finally laying down, after a long day, to try to go to sleep. Our mind starts to write this list of endless things we need to do, not just tomorrow, but this week, this month, for the birthday party coming up….for work, and on and on.

When you write things down, it helps you get them off your mind. I keep a note pad, sticky notes and pens in my night stand. This way, if I have something I need to do, I write it down. If I need to make sure not to forget a particular item in the morning as I am rushing to leave for work, like a scarf or a heavier jacket, I write it down. I stick the little note on my nightstand next to my alarm clock. This way, I see it when I wake up and it is also next to where I place my purse, so I am sure to see it before I leave the next day. Sometimes, I will even bring the sticky note with me downstairs, because by the time I leave the room & get to the door, many other thoughts have already gone through my mind and I may forget the item. Trust me, it has happened before. Having the note in my hand serves as a reminder, yet one more time 🙂  It works like a charm for me.

You may want to try it. Let me know if it works for you. Next time you are trying to get to sleep and can’t seem to clear your mind, write your “to do” list or the thing that is worrying you. It should help you get it off your mind….and clear your mind so you can get some z’s.

Do you keep a note pad or sticky notes and a pen in your nightstand?  Do you use another method to clear your mind before you go to sleep? Do you use another method to remember an item you need to take with you the next day?



 pen note pad 2 alarm clock note

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Winter Pedicure – Do You Get One? / Pedicure Invernal

DSCN7968 Hi friends,

Do you get pedicures during the winter season? I get pedicures on a regular basis. Every four to six weeks I go into the nail salon and get a spa pedicure. It is fantastic, a little “me” time. Sometimes, I don’t have time to get to the salon and will paint over the polish, in an attempt to stretch the pedicure a few days until I can get to the salon.

Recently, I went on a vacation with my hubby to Orlando and was glad I had a pedicure, so my toes were sandal and beach ready!

Of course, living in Southern California, w can pretty much wear open toe shoes year round, but it does get cold for a few months during the year. This is when we bring out our boots and wear socks with our shoes. Some of my friends don’t get pedicures during the winter season because they say their toes aren’t visible in the boots. This got me wondering about how many women don’t get pedicures during the winter?

Do you get a pedicure on a regular basis? Do you gat a pedicure during the winter season?



ESPANOL: Hola amigos,

Se hacen pedicure durante el invierno? Yo voy a hacerme pedicures regularmente. Cada cuatro a seis semanas voy a la estetica y me hago un pedicure. Es fantastico, un poco de “tiempo para mi.” Aveces no tengo tiempo de ir a la estetica y me pongo pintura de unas encima del pedicure para alargar el pedicure unos dias mas hasta que tengo la oportunidad de ir a la estetica.

Recientemente, fui de vacaciones con mi marido a Orlando y estaba contenta que ya tenia un pedicure, asi mis pies estaban listos para sandalias y la playa!

Claro, viviendo en el sur de California, practicamente podemos usar zapatos abiertos gran parte del ano. Pero, si hace frio algunos meses. Esta es la temporada cuando sacamos las botas y usamos zapatos con calcetas. Algunas de mis amigas no se hacen pedicures durante el invierno ya que dicen que sus pies no son visibles en botas. Esto me hizo preguntar, cuantas mujeres no se hacen pedicure durante el invierno?

Te haces pedicures regularmente? Te haces pedicures durante el invierno?

Un abrazo,



I spent lots of time wearing these during our vacation…glad my toes were sandal ready!

Pase mucho tiempo usando estas durante nuestras vacaciones…..que bueno que mis pies estaban listos para usar sandalias!


I also spent lots of time relaxing with my feet up 🙂

Pase mucho tiempo relajando, con mis pies elevados 🙂

pedicue pool orlando

And relaxing by the pool.

Y relajada junto a la alberca.

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Latin Food Fest


Today’s Look: Acqua Blue

My Week In Photos

My Week In Photos

Life’s Everyday Joys: Weekend Showers


Hi Friends,

I am going to write a series based on life’s little (and sometimes big) things and moments that bring us joy – ok, these bring me joy, hopefully they bring you joy as well ;).

Our everyday lives and days may be packed, right? Mine are. Sometimes, I wonder if life would be simpler if I tried to do less, but I realize part of my happiness is learning, exploring, traveling, growing in my profession and as a person, and the most important – time with family and friends. So, I accept that my schedule is busy because I choose it to be. I have also learned to say “no” to commitments when I know it will just be trying to pack in too much into my day or week, which result in me being too tired. When I am too tired, I get cranky (& I don’t like being cranky).  I’ve also learned that it is ok to sometimes just relax, that I don’t always have to be doing something productive. As they say, the “Art of Doing Nothing” (I actually have a book titled that).

I have always been appreciative of the blessings I have. I now try to stop to acknowledge these blessings and be grateful. These blessings can be big and can also be simple things that bring joy to my life, perhaps the beauty or comforts of everyday life. Those little moments that make us smile or sigh. Like admiring flowers, the ocean or beach, a good cup of coffee, a long shower, a vacation, sleeping in on a weekend, taking off our work clothes and getting into our pajamas at the end of a long day….you get the idea. That is what this series will be about. What do you think? Do you like it? Feel free to send me ideas on topics and things that bring joy to your everyday life! I’d love to hear from you!



Life’s Everyday Joys: Weekend Showers

On weekdays, I shower super fast in the mornings. A fast shower for me is about 10 minutes. Add 5 minutes more on days that I wash my hair (ladies you understand). I have been able to take showers in 5 minutes when I am in a super hurry! On weekday mornings, I am constantly looking at the clock, to make sure I get ready fast & out the door on my way to work. My mind is racing about things I need to do at work.

On weekends, I really enjoy being able to take a relaxing shower, particularly on days when I don’t have commitments or a work function.  I used to work, usually making appearances, attending events as a special guest, or as an emcee, about two to three weekends per month. In the past two years, I have cut that back to about one to two work events per month. I still have personal commitments and outings on weekends, but those are with friends and family, so it’s more casual and I don’t have to get as done up (not as much make-up & hair). On those weekends when I don’t have commitments, I will enjoy the shower, listening to the water, letting it fall on my face, ahhh….so relaxing. I will also apply a deep conditioning treatment in my hair, soak my feet and use a moisturizing exfoliator. I’ll use a special body wash and sea salts to exfoliate. Sometimes, I will apply a clay mask on my face just before and rinse it off in the shower. During the shower, I’ll reflect on projects I am working and on life projects, on family, and also just enjoy the “me” time. These longer showers help me feel relaxed, yet also re-energized at the same time! They help clear my mind!

So, next time you can spend a few extra minutes in the shower, enjoy it! Give yourself that little “me” time. Look at the water as it flows out of the shower head, let it fall on your face, listen to it…..use a special body wash with relaxing scents, don’t rush, stay in the shower as long as you like, just enjoy it!

Have you ever thought about the joys of weekend showers? Do you take long showers? How long do you usually spend in the shower on weekdays? Do you use any special body washes you like and recommend for us?



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Glass showers are my favorite, it makes the space seem larger, which I find relaxing.


Seeing & hearing the water flow from the shower head is relaxing! It is refreshing when it wets my face.


The deep conditioning hair mask I use, it works wonders for my hair!


This clear Glaze adds shine to my hair.

I have been using this body scrub for a while now, love how it leaves my skin soft.


I use this Sally Hansen brush to exfoliate my feet, I moisturize them afterwards, it helps keep them soft.

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flowers station yard

Easter – Lent – Traditions


Time To Relax


A Weekend in Laguna Beach

One Less Hour

clock spring formard

Hi friends,

Today, we will set our clock forward one hour for daylight savings time. It got me thinking about what I would change if everyday I had one less hour in my day. How would I adapt my schedule and activities? I would probably have one less hour of leisure time every evening. We have all made adjustments in our schedules when life changes occur. Sometimes, these are for positive changes in our lives. For example, I have less free time to spend with my friends now that I am married, but as much as I miss my friends, I gladly made the change because I want to spend time with my husband. Many people make adjustments to their daily schedules when they have children, make career changes, care for a loved one, or even to exercise more or study if they want to reach a goal (I know I cut my exercise and sleeping times short when I was studying my MBA).

It also got me thinking about what I would do if I had an additional hour everyday. Ah, that sounds magnificent! I often say, there just aren’t enough hours in the day – for the hours I need (want) to dedicate to my career, time I want to spend with family and friends, write more blog posts, read a book, exercise, organize items at home….sleep sufficiently, etc., etc. Then, I started thinking about exactly what I would ENJOY doing if I had an extra hour every day?  With an extra hour, I would probably….sleep an extra 15 – 30 minutes on weeknights, exercise every morning – even if just for 15 minutes, and of course spend more time with my hubby and family or friends (even if just a quick phone call to say hi). I’d also like to be able to spend more time on my blog, so I may give up the extra sleep time to write a daily post (even though each post takes me about one to two hours, not 15 minutes). If I had an extra few minutes left, I may read a book or a magazine, if not every day, maybe once or twice a week.

What would you ENJOY doing if you had an ADDITIONAL hour everyday?

What would you adjust in your schedule if you had one LESS hour everyday?



PS – Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour, starting at 2:00 am local time. You an still sleep an extra hour though, it is a Sunday after all, or as we say sometimes refer to it in Spanish, “duermingo” which combines duermo = to sleep and the last five letters in  domingo = Sunday 🙂   Have a great rest of your weekend!

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A Night at the Piazza


Holiday Traditions: Gingerbread House


Easter – Lent – Traditions

flowers station yard

Hi friends,

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of lent. This weekend we will change our clocks and set them an hour ahead for daylight savings. Spring will soon begin and in a few weeks it will be Easter Sunday. It is amazing how fast the first two months of the year have passed.

I had not gone to mass on Ash Wednesday in a few years. Yesterday, I visited my sister and nephews, and we went to mass together. We also saw my brother and his family at the church. It was a treat to see them all! Since I got married and moved away from the south bay area of San Diego, I do not see my siblings and nephews as often as I used to. I also don’t go to mass as often. It was nice to go to mass yesterday, to feel a sense of tradition, family, as well as beliefs and faith.

Some of us believe in a higher being and have faith. Over the years, I have learned to rest in my faith and to trust that whatever outcome occurs, it is for a reason. A reason I may not understand today, but eventually I will. It is not always easy, but praying and having faith help me relax and let go of my worries. I am also thankful for the many blessings in my life and my family’s life, many times I pray not to ask for things, but to be thankful.

Lent is also a period in which I reflect – on life, on how fast time goes by, on family unity and the love it brings, and on traditions. I am looking forward to the spring and Easter. Most of all, I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends, as we celebrate the tradition of Easter – to seeing the flowers bloom as gardens are transformed into beautiful, colorful works of art!

No matter how busy our lives get, it is always nice to stop and appreciate it, take it in, relax a bit, and realize time goes by way too fast. Enjoy today, because you will only live it once! Enjoy the present, as the saying goes, it is a “present” (a gift)!

I took the picture of the flowers above while I was on walk recently. It was a random, colorful bunch of flowers that was just blooming in the middle of pebbles on the edge of a parking lot. It wasn’t part of a garden or planned landscaping, it was just a few flowers blooming! It made me smile and stop to appreciate them, and take a picture. It made me realize spring is just around the corner. Hope you enjoy the coming of spring and the blooming flowers that come along with it!

Do you have plans for Easter? Do you follow any traditions this time of the year? Can you believe how fast the first two months of the year already passed?



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Holiday Traditions: Gingerbread House


How a Movie Can Help De-Stress You

Week In Photos

disney buzz

Hi friends,

The past two weeks have included many fun moments, but also a nerve wrecking moment for me. My apology for not posting all week, it’s been a busy week. Work has been wonderful, lots going on, as always! The day that had me nervous was the day my husband had knee surgery. Thankfully, the surgery went well and he is recuperating at home. The preparation for his surgery, the day of the surgery, and now his recuperation has been consuming my attention, emotions, and time. I love my husband dearly, my family is the most important thing in my life, so I am grateful to God that he is doing well. Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers! Here is my Week In Photos, hope you like the pics! What have you been up to?



Español: Hola amigos,

Las pasadas dos semanas han incluidos muchos momentos divertidos, pero también unos días de nervios para mi. Disculpas por no poner notas esta semana, ha sido una semana muy ocupada. El trabajo va muy bien, muchas grabaciones y demás, como siempre! El día que me tenia de nervios fue el día que mi esposo tuvo cirugía de su rodilla. Gracias a Dios, la cirugía fue exitosa y el esta en casa recuperadose. La preparación para su cirugía, el día de la operación, y la recuperación han consumido mi atención, emociones, y tiempo. Quiero muchísimo a mi esposo, mi familia es lo mas importante para mi, le estoy agradecida a Dios de que el esta bien. Gracias a todos por sus bueno deseos y oraciones! Aquí les comparto mi Semana En Fotos, ojalá les gusten las fotos! Que has hecho estas semanas?

Un abrazo,



It was fun to see our Disneyland friends, Jesse & team – I hosted an interview for Azteca regarding the special promotion they have for So. Cal & Baja California residents. It’s a great deal!

Fue divertido ver a nuestros amigos de Disneyland, Jesse y equipo – conduje una entrevista para Azteca sobre la promoción que tienen para residentes del sur de California y Baja California. Es un super descuento!

godiva box godiva inside

My hubby went to a Chinese New Year Celebration event & brought me back these Godiva chocolates, delish!!

My marido fue a un evento en Celebración al Ano Nuevo Chino y me trajo estos chocolates Godiva, deliciosos!

oscar night america

Hosted an interview for the Red Carpet Gala – Academy Awards Viewing Party, benefiting the Campership Council.

Conduje una entrevista sobre la Gala Red Carpet – evento para ver los Premios de la Academia, los fondos recaudados benefician al Concilio de Campamentos.


Lola & I were at Westfield Mission Valley….and when we walked by Loehmann’s we realized it was closing! We found a few items on clearance sale! This became my Find of the Week post!

Loa y yo estabamos en Westfield Mission Valley… y cuando pasamos por Loehmann’s nos dimos cuenta que la tienda iba a cerrar y tenian una super especial! Encontramos varias cosas en especial! Esta se convirtio en mi nota – Compra de la Semana!

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We celebrated my brother’s birthday – I enjoyed time with my nieces! Two of my favorite young ladies!

Celebramos el cumpleaños de mi hermano – disfrute pasar tiempo con mis lindas sobrinas!
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Finally, Sunday arrived….I got to sleep in and relaxed while I sipped my cup of coffee!

Por fin….llego el domingo y pude dormir un poco y tomarme un cafecito relajadamente!

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Hosting an interview regarding the 2014 San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering.

Conduciendo una entrevista sobre el Festival de Ciencia e Ingeniería de San Diego.

election day party

I don’t attend too may events after work anymore – I made the exception for this reception, Lola & I had fun at the Election Night Party! Pictured with Pedro Anaya (Party host) and Luis Monteagudo from the County of San Diego.

Ya casi no voy a eventos después del trabajo – hice la excepción para esta recepción, Lola y yo nos divertimos en la Fiesta de Noche de Elección! En esta foto salen con nosotros Pedro Anaya (el anfitrión del evento)  y Luis Monteagudo del Condado de San Diego.

balloon flowers anniversary choc annicersary teddy bear valentines 2014

It was our three year wedding anniversary! Went by fast! My hubby sent me flowers, a balloon, chocolates, and this cute teddy bear, loved them all! I shared the chocolates with him 😉

Cumplimos tres anos de casados! Que rapido! Mi maridito me envío flores, un globo, chocolates y un oso de peluche. Me encanto! Comparti los chocolates con el 😉

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Dress fitting at Aurora’s Bridal – for the dress  wore to emcee the Quinceañera Expo.

Fui a medirme el vestido en Aurora’s Bridal – para el vestido que use para ser maestra de ceremonia en la Quinceañera Expo.chevy

Recorded a commercial at Courtesy Chevrolet.

Grabe un comercial en Courtesy Chevrolet.

aulani group

TC & the Disneyland team were back – this time I hosted an interview on ABC10 regarding the Aulani A Disney Resort & Spa in Hawaii. Mickey always makes me smile, so cute 🙂

TC y el equipo de Disneyland regresaron – esta vez conduje una entrevista para ABC10 sobre Aulani A Disney Resort & Spa en Hawaii. Mickey siempre me hace sonreir 🙂

vday card chocolates jim

Hubby came back from a business trip on Valentine’s Day & surprised me with a cute card & chocolates!

Mi maridito regreso de un viaje de negocios el Día de San Valentin y me sorprendió con esta linda tarjeta y chocolates!

house cards

While catching up on friends’ Facebook posts, I found out House of Cards Season 2 was on Netflix….my Saturday evening was consumed with watching the episodes!

Mientras estaba poniéndome al tanto de las notas de mis amigos en Facebook, me entere que la segunda temporada de House of Cards ya estaba disponible en Netflix…el resto de mi sabado se consumió con los episodios!


Let the transformation begin…thanks to Ivonne & her team from K Bello Salon, they did my hair & make-up for the Quinceañera Expo!

Que comience la transformación….gracias a Ivonne y su equipo de K Bello Salon, me maquillaron y peinaron para la Quinceañera Expo!


Behind the scenes at Quinceañera Expo, about to go on stage to emcee the fashion show.

Detrás del escenario en Quinceañera Expo, a punto de subir al escenario antes del desfile de modas.

quince expo on stage

Emceeing – on stage during the Quinceañera Expo fashion show.

Conduciendo – en el escenario durante el desfile de modas de Quinceañera Expo.


With Aurora, from Aurora’s Bridal, this is the dress I wore to emcee the event. It’s beautiful!

Con Aurora, de Aurora’s Bridal, este es el vestido que use para el evento. Esta precioso!

latino fil festival interview

Fixing my microphone – just before hosting an interview regarding the San Diego Latino Film Festival, with the founder, Ethan Van Thillo, & documentary producer, Nina Piza.

Acomodando mi microfono – antes de la entrevista sobre el Festival de Cine Latino de San Diego, con el fundador, Ethan Van Thillo, y productora de uno de los documentales, Nina Piza.

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Took my hubby to the hospital for surgery and have been taking care of him at home as he recuperates (& taking him to therapy). He’s using crutches & I’ve been filling the ice machine multiple times per day to ice his knee.

Lleve a mi esposo al hospital para su cirugía y lo he estado cuidando en casa durante su recuperación (y llevado a terapia). Esta usando muletas y le he estado llenando el aparato de hielo para ponerlo en su rodilla, ayuda para que se deshinche la rodilla.

golden bells arrival

Arriving at the Salvation Army’s Golden Bell Awards, I was one of the award presenters during the program.

Llegando a los Premios Golden Bell del Ejercito de Salvación, fui unas de las presentadoras de premios durante el programa.

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I was also an award recipient. We are honored to receive the award – pictured with my 10News colleagues, Robert Santos & Melissa Mecija!

También recibí uno de los premios. Fue un honor ser recipiente del premio – fotografía con mis compañeros de 10News, Robert Santos y Melissa Mecija!

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Award recipient group picture – a rare picture with anchors and reporters from all the major television stations in the San Diego market.

Fotografia de grupo de los ganadores del premio – una foto única, con conductores y reporteros de las televisoras mas grandes de la region de San Diego.


Decided to bring my Golden Bell Award home (instead of displaying it at work with other awards) – proudly showing the Award to my hubby!

Decidi traerme mi Premio Golden Bell a casa (en lugar de ponerlo en la oficina con otros premios) – estaba orgullosa de mostrarselo a mi esposo!

A Night at the Piazza


Hi friends – this past week, my husband and I went to see the musical The Light In The Piazza at the South Coast Repertory. It was a wonderful performance and we had a nice evening! It was nice to get dressed up to go to the theatre and the Opening Night After Party. The play took place in a setting in Florence, Italy.

In the program, there was a post card insert that asked “What’s Your Most Memorable Travel Experience?” Attendees could fill the post card on the reverse side and post it on a special board located in the lobby of the theatre. It got me thinking about some of the trips I have taken….and in this case, due to the city where the play took place, it reminded me of my trips to Florence. It reminded me of the dinners and evenings I spent during “Nights at the Piazza – in Florence!”

The first trip to Florence was with my friend Lizeth, it was in the fall and traveled in Europe for two weeks. We visited London, Venice, Florence, and Rome. We took the train from Venice to Rome, such a scenic ride. We spent a few days in Florence, visited the sights, historic buildings, and museums. We must have eaten a gelato every day, yum! It was a nice trip, with my good friend! At the time of the trip, Lizeth was and continues to be one of my closest friends. Sometimes we reminisce about the trip with fond memories!

The second visit to Florence, was with my friend Charisse. We had been on a long trip over three weeks, during the spring, in various countries in Europe. It was an organized tour, so I was a bit hesitant initially, but was pleasantly surprised that we had a very nice vacation. I learned quite a bit on that tour since there was a guide with us at all times and all the visits to museums included a guide. We saw so many cities! We spent a few days in Florence. On one of the evenings, Charisse and I separated from the tour group and had a dinner at a cute restaurant in a piazza. We had such a pleasant evening, with wine, bread (with olive oil & vinegar to dip in), pizza, pasta, and good conversation! There was also musicians performing! Every time I visit a city for the second time, I see it in a different way. Usually, I’ll avoid the touristy activities and opt to walk around and explore the city, sit on a bench for some people watching, go shopping, and perhaps visit some secondary attractions I missed the first time.

Both of these trips left me with fond memories! They were memorable travel experiences!

What’s your most memorable travel experience? And, why? Do you have a favorite vacation destination?



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It was nice to dress up for a”date night” with my husband for an evening at the theatre.

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The program included a few pages of the historic sites in Florence, beautiful! These pictures brought back memories of my trips to Florence.


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We enjoyed some good wine, Italian food, & conversations at the Opening Night After Party at Antonello Ristorante located close to the theatre!

A few pics from my trips to Europe with Lizeth & Charisse:


In London with Lizeth, afterwards we headed to Venice, then Florence, and ended our vacation in Rome.



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With Charisse – at the Swiss Alps, visiting London, attending Moulin Rouge in Paris, and arriving in Venice. And, of course, had to include a pic of the famous David, in Florence.

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Porsche Museum – Germany


My Weekend In Photos: Visiting San Francisco


My Week In Photos

Hi friends,

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. My hubby had business trips, which throws me off my routine at home. But, my mom has been visiting and it has been nice to spend time with her. Here are a few pics from the past two weeks, hope you like them!

What have you been up to these past two weeks?



mccafe shoot pic 1

I shot a commercial for McDonald’s McCafe promotion. This is about the fourth McDonald’s commercial I appear in. It was a fun shoot and we had a few good laughs during the production of the commercial. I feel fortunate to work with such a wonderful and talented team of videographers, producers, and editors. And, I got to drink the coffee, it was delicious! BTW, the editor commented on my blue nail polish, he noticed it was different from the colors I usually wear.

fashion valley


Over the MLK weekend my hubby and I were organizing some stuff at home and he needed some items from The Container Store. While he was at that store, I was able to do some quick shopping at Macy’s in Fashion Valley mall.

menu calexico

chips salsa calexico

On the MLK holiday (Monday), we made a day trip to Mexicali to visit my mom, grandmother, and aunt. On our way back home, we stopped by Rosa’s, a Mexican food restaurant, in Calexico for an early dinner.

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I continue working on the Live Well San Diego program and we shot the spots for the Love Your Heart campaign (I am the producer on the project). We shot them at the fire station downtown, the Fire Chief and a spokesperson from the County appeared in the promo with Claudia LLausas, our Azteca anchor/reporter.

mom andrew

I’ve enjoyed time with mom – she’s visiting us and staying at our home. It’s been nice to catch up with her.

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My nephew also visited us! I love this little boy so much!!!

wine bottles martha dinner martha robert martha robert bday paola

We went to Robert Rojano’s birthday dinner in Jamul. My friend Martha organized a nice dinner, with a Spanish theme. There were tapas, sangria, Spanish wines, and paella. She is so detailed and creative, she is a gracious host and did a beautiful job with all the decorations.


I recorded a commercial for The Real Pirates Exhibit – opening at the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park. The exhibit looks interesting and I am looking forward to seeing it!


That same morning, I hosted an interview for the Live Well San Diego – Love Your Heart Day campaign. I’m pictured here with Barbara Jimenez, the spokesperson for the County, and Daynara Castillo, board member of the American Heart Association-San Diego Chapter.


On one of our walks, Lola and I stopped by The Headquarters at Seaport District, the new shopping area downtown. The shops are cute, they are a good option if you are looking for unique gifts for birthdays or other occasions (as well as clothing,  home decor, or books). There are eighteen shops and five restaurants – some offer outside seating, which is nice in Southern California.


I stopped by Carlsbad Premium Outlets and found these amazing Nine West deep blue shooties!! This was my find of the week!


My hubby was out of town on business and I joined him for the last day. We went to dinner at Ten (Asian cuisine) and I enjoyed this delicious sushi! It was a special treat since I hadn’t eaten sushi in a while, probably about  month….or more!


A friend of my husband’s invited us to see The Light In The Piazza, a musical, at the South Coast Repertory.



It was opening night for the musical and there was an After Party at a restaurant close by….we enjoyed some wine, Italian hors’dourves, and good conversation.

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paola pic taking pic with phone, taken my Susie Woodruff at el torito 8-23-13

My Week In Photos

Tricks to Motivate Myself to Exercise: #5

Hi friends, it’s hump day…ok, Wednesday, already the middle of the week, just two more workdays to go in this short week 🙂

This is Trick #5 that I use to Motivate Myself to Exercise. Hope you like it! Leave your comments below – let me know what you think and if you like this series.



Trick #5: Exercise At Lunch Time


This trick can be an easy way to get in some exercise during your day, particularly if you are rushing in the mornings and/or unable to exercise in the evenings. One of my friends that has an infant tells me that the lunch break during her workday is pretty much the only time she has to exercise. She will walk around the neighborhood close to work for about 30 minutes. She told me this makes her feel like she is getting some exercise in her day and that makes her feel better, not only physically, but also emotionally.

For me, exercising at lunch time is not always possible since I often work through lunch (I know, not good) because I have so much to do, or I’ll have a shoot or meeting scheduled at that time. I have tried it on and off depending on my schedule, and in addition to getting a workout, I find it to be a nice way to get a break in my workday. I’ll go to a gym located close to work, change into workout clothes quickly, and usually do about 20 – 30 minutes on the treadmill or bicycle, followed by stretching. Then, I will change quickly and rush back to work. I don’t have time to take a class because those are an hour long. The treadmill works for me because I don’t jog, I speed walk, so I don’t really break too much of a sweat. I do feel my heart beating and can feel the cardio. The important thing is that I am moving, getting some physical activity.

The television stations where I work are located in a somewhat secluded area (not downtown) and the entire building and parking lot area is gated, plus it is next to a freeway. So, walking around the neighborhood would be kind of hard to do. The parking lot is large, so some of my colleagues walk around the parking lot at lunch time (it circles the building). Some wear casual attire or hats to block the sun. Others just put on tennis shoes and walk in their work attire (business casual attire). I haven’t done this yet, but have been considering it lately. It seems like a good and easy way to get in some walking throughout the day. This week, I took a pair of tennis shoes to work and left them in a cabinet. This way, they are handy if I decide to go for a quick walk around the building. Maybe I will ask one of my colleagues if she wants to join me for a walk, an exercise buddy would make it even better!

If you can, try to exercise at lunch time. Maybe start with a walk around the block, or like me, go to a gym or the YMCA close by. Maybe start with one day per week and work up to more days. If you work from home or are a stay at home mom, you can also try to walk at lunch time. If you make it part of your routine and turn it into a habit, you will look forward to it. And for those of you that can take more than an your for lunch time (lucky), many gyms offer exercise classes at lunch time.

Do you exercise at lunch time? Do you think you could motivate yourself to exercise at lunch time?


I took this pic recently, as I was leaving the gym after doing some exercise at lunch time. I left feeling great!



I wish I worked in this building (a resort in Orlando), they have a beautiful walking path 🙂 Do you work close to a walking path?

Pictured above is a walking path located in downtown San Diego, close to many office buildings and homes.

ESPAÑOL: Estrategia Para Motivarte a Hacer Ejercicio #5: Haz Ejercicio a la Hora del Almuerzo

La estrategia de hacer ejercicio durante la hora del almuerzo es una manera practica de añadir actividad física durante el día. Es buena idea para personas que no les es posible hacer ejercicio en las mañanas o al salir del trabajo.

Yo trato de hacerlo, particularmente cuando se que tendré un compromiso en la noche al salir del trabajo. Me pongo unos tenis que guardo en la oficina, una visera, y salgo a caminar alrededor de la televisora. Me sirve como un descanso y distracción durante mi día de trabajo que esta lleno de juntas, grabaciones, y demás. Trato de caminar con una compañera de trabajo, así platicamos y es mas divertido. Me pongo de acuerdo con ella y confirmamos la hora el día anterior o esa misma mañana. Así, tengo un compromiso con ella y me forzó a mi misma a salir a caminar. De otra manera, es fácil seguir trabajando durante la hora del almuerzo y decir, “mas tarde iré a caminar” y ese mas tarde nunca se da. Si no puedo caminar media hora, al menos camino quince minutos. Es mejor hacer un poco de ejercicio que no hacer nada de actividad física.

Si tengo una hora de almuerzo, voy a un gimnasio que queda cerca de mi trabajo y hago treinta minutos de ejercicio ligero. Después, me cambio rápidamente y regreso al trabajo.

Lo importare es moverse e incorporar la actividad física diariamente a nuestras vidas. Mantenernos activos nos ayuda a sentirnos mejor, no solo físicamente, si no también emocionalmente.

¿Tu haces ejercicio durante la hora del almuerzo? ¿Crees que sea algo que puedas incorporar a tu día? ¡Intentalo!

Un abrazo,

Holidays: The Joy of Having a Day Off


Hi friends,

Hope you had a nice Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday holiday weekend! It was a holiday I  was looking forward to because we (the stations where I work) sponsored the YMCA’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Human Dignity Awards Breakfast. It is a wonderful event, with more than 1,200 attendees and the speakers are always moving. On Sunday, my hubby and I were working on what I call our “if the world comes to an end” backpacks (more on this in a later post). He refers to it as our “emergency” packages.  We had been out and about at Home Depot and The Container Store buying items we needed  (I snuck in some quick shopping at Macy’s while my hubby shopped at The Container Store). That afternoon, we were assembling some racks when I realized the next day was a holiday and I did not have to go to work! All of  sudden, I had  a huge smile and feeling of excitement. Don’t take me wrong, I like my job, I am one of those people that really likes my career and job. But, I also enjoy holidays! My feeling of excitement made me wonder why we like holidays so much (apart from the obvious of not having to go to work) and how the federal holidays got started. Have you ever wondered about this?

So, I started to do some research. Before I share the facts about holidays, I’ll share my thoughts. We all work so much and it seems now more than ever before, we are all doing more at work with less people. So, when we have the opportunity to take a day off because it is a holiday, we cherish & enjoy it!  Some holidays also have special events tied to them, which we look forward to, such as family time on Christmas Day and Thanksgiving, fireworks on the Fourth of July, barbecues, parades, time with family and friends, and many more reasons. Some of us also look forward to a day to relax or to completing a project at home. My hubby and I often plan weekend getaways on holidays (except Christmas Day or Thanksgiving, those are spent with family). So, for me, that is another reason why I look forward to holidays, it is a long weekend and we get to travel – we both enjoy that! They say that having events or plans you are looking forward to, such as a trip or party, adds to your happiness in life! I agree!

This past holiday weekend we had things to do, so we stayed in town, but we did manage to go to Mexicali to visit my mom, grandmother, and aunt on Monday! It was a quick day trip and I really enjoyed spending time with them! Plus, road trips with my hubby are always fun. He always has interesting stories to share and we never seem to run out of things to talk about. It is one-on-one time, which I cherish! Our good conversations, are one of the reasons why I fell in love with him!

What is your favorite holiday? Do you have traditions you follow on holidays – such as time with family, barbecues, playing board games, going to the beach, visiting family out of town?

If you are interested on the facts about how federal holidays got started – here’s my abbreviated version (source Congressional Research Service). The first federal holidays were established by law in 1870. It started with Congress passing five holidays: New Year’s Day, George Washington’s Birthday, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. These holidays were first granted as paid time off only for federal employees in the District of Columbia. In 1885, Congress extended some of the holidays to all federal employees. According to the information I found, the whole suggestion to start federal holidays came in response to a memo drafted by local bankers and business men. Currently, there are eleven permanent federal holidays established by law. To learn more about federal holidays, how they get created, and the list of the eleven federal holidays, see the link to the document I listed above.

Even now, federal holidays are legally only applicable for federal employees. I knew this because it came up in a conversation years ago. I mentioned it to friends and colleagues recently, some thought legally their employer had to give them those days off (even though they don’t work for the federal government). I explained that they were actually paid holidays for federal employees.

Did you know that federal holidays were not legally applicable for non-federal employees?

The next holiday I get off is Memorial Day at the end of May…looking forward to it. Which is the next holiday you get off?

Below are some pictures from past holidays, hope you like them! Share your holiday pictures!




Last year, on the Labor Day holiday, we went to Las Vegas for a weekend getaway (pictured with my friend Rosy).

sfgoldengateaerialpic2013We have a second home in San Francisco, so we visit the city often on holiday weekends. On one of those weekends, we took an aerial flight, beautiful!

fourth july paola monique boys pic 2 july 4 2013 fourth of july 2013 firewor 2 redWe have spent the past few Fourth of July holidays with my sister’s family! It is fun to see the fireworks with my nephews!


Last year, for the Martin Luther King’s Birthday holiday, we went to Palm Springs.

rosy paola grand canyon

On another holiday weekend getaway, we went to the Grand Canyon with our friends Rosy & Chris.


We visited a national park on holiday weekend getaway, the trees were amazing!



My hubby likes to golf and I am starting to learn, so we also spend holiday weekend getaways on the golf course (this one is in Northern California, the view was breathtaking).


And, every some often, we get up to Sonoma and Napa (pictured), for some wine tasting and delicious meals with friends – on holiday weekends!

Tricks to Motivate Myself to Exercise: Trick #2

Hi friends – this is Trick #2 of the series: Tricks to Motivate Myself to Exercise




Trick #2: Change into Exercise Clothes at Work

I always have my gym bag in the car. If I plan to exercise after work, I will take my gym bag out of the car with me when I arrive at the station in the morning. This way, when I am done with work, I’ll change at the restrooms at the television station before I leave work. If I am in exercise clothes, I feel motivated and prepared to exercise (ok, sometimes it is more like forced to go exercise ;)). It is like changing from my “work uniform” (outfit) to my “exercise uniform.” Make sense? A few times, I have said, “oh, I’ll change at the gym or go to the store first, then the gym and change there”….and you know what happens, I don’t go to the gym. Somehow between leaving the station parking lot and getting on the freeway I decide to pass the freeway off ramp for the gym and keep driving straight home (and don’t exercise that day). But, when I am wearing my exercise clothes, I go straight to the gym. Maybe it is a state of mind, but putting on the exercise clothes automatically motivates me to exercise. Then, when I arrive at the gym, I start exercising (usually Zumba), get my endorphins going, and leave feeling happy and wonderful!

Do you have a gym bag? Do you change at work to head straight to exercise after work?

Tip: I have multiple of exercise outfits (pants, tops, and jackets) , a few pairs of tennis shoes, and many socks. This way, I always have exercise clothes and socks available in my drawers, making it easy to pack my gym bag daily. I use one pair of tennis shoes as my “gym bag” tennis shoes, this way I don’t need to be taking them out of the gym bag in the car when I need tennis shoes while at home or if I decide to exercise on the weekends.

If you would like to read the post regarding Tip #1, click here.

ESPAÑOL: Estrategia #2: Cambiarme a Ropa Deportiva en el Trabajo
Siempre tengo mi mochila para el gimnasio en el auto. Si planeo hacer ejercicio después de mi día de trabajo, bajo mi mochila para el gimnasio del auto al llegar a la televisora en la mañana. De esta manera, al terminar mi trabajo, me cambio de ropa en los vestidores de la televisora antes de salir del edificio. ¡Si estoy vestida con ropa deportiva, me siento motivada y preparada para hacer ejercicio! Es como cambiarme de mi “uniforme de trabajo” a mi “uniforme de ejercicio.” ¿Suena lógico? Algunas veces he dicho, “me cambiaré en el gimnasio, o iré a la tienda primero y de ahí al gimnasio donde me podré cambiar de ropa.” ¿Y saben que pasa? No voy al gimnasio. De alguna manera (muy misteriosa por cierto) entre salir del estacionamiento de la televisora y subirme al freeway, decidí pasarme la salida del gimnasio y seguí manejando directamente a mi casa. Como resultado, ese día ya no hice ejercicio. ¡Quizás es la manera como funciona mi mente, pero ponerme ropa deportiva automáticamente me motiva a hacer ejercicio! Y cuando llego al gimnasio, comienzo a escuchar la música, a hacer ejercicio, bailar en la clase de Zumba, comienzan a andar mis endorfinas, y termino sintiéndome contenta y de maravilla!

Tengo varios compañeros de trabajo que usan esta estrategia. Veo que salen de la televisora vestidos con ropa deportiva y listos para hacer ejercicio. ¡A ellos les funciona y a mi también!

Otro Consejo: Tengo varias prendas de ropa deportiva, unos cuantos pares de tenis, y muchas calcetas. De esta manera, siempre tengo ropa deportiva y calcetas en los cajones en casa, y así me es fácil preparar la mochila diario para el gimnasio. Utilizo un par de tenis como el par para “la mochila para el gimnasio” y de esta manera no tengo que estar sacando los tenis del auto cuando estoy en casa y necesito tenis, o si decido hacer ejercicio el fin de semana.

¡Hacer ejercicio no solo es bueno para nuestro cuerpo, también es bueno para nuestro bienestar emocional y nuestra alma!

¿Tienes mochila para el gimnasio? ¿Te cambias en el trabajo para irte directo a hacer ejercicio después de tu jornada laboral?

Tambien los invito a que nos conectemos por medio de Facebook/Paola-Hernandez-Jiao.

Un abrazo,

Weekend Getaway: Fairmont Newport Beach


Hi friends, during the weeks leading to Christmas our schedules got very busy with work and the normal holiday commitments, so we decided to go out of town for a weekend getaway. We went to the Fairmont Newport Beach. I’ve stayed at other Fairmont resorts Continue reading

Holiday Traditions: Gingerbread House

DSCN6860Many of us are still celebrating the holidays….some of us are back to work and some people are on vacation until January 6 this year because that is when the first Monday falls after New Year’s Day. Many of us keep celebrating until January 6 every year because Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions – Do You Make Them?

fourth of july 2013 firewor 2 red

 Hi friends, it’s a new year! Yup, 2014 has begun! Can you believe it? It seems 2013 flew by….yet, I can remember many good things about the year! There were challenges too – I mean bad/hard times, but I try to stay positive, so I call them “challenges” ;). I try to learn from challenges, to find something positive in them or a learning experience. Overall, 2013 was a very good year! I have many blessings to be thankful for, most important are the well-being of my family, friends, a wonderful husband and the home we form, my health, and a rewarding career.

My grandmother uses a saying,”Every problem has a solution, as long as you are alive and healthy, there is a solution!”  I try to apply that as much as possible and it helps – and is very true. So, I feel very, very blessed and fortunate, regardless of the challenges life brings, we always find a solution. In 2013, the hardest moment for me was losing my Uncle Abel. I wrote about his passing in my blog and am dealing with getting used to living without his presence in our family. I say “getting used to living without his presence” because I don’t think I will ever overcome his death, as many of us never get over the death of a loved one. So, having said that, this was the only challenge in the year I could not find a solution for. Everything else, we fixed, got over or moved forward from, learned from it and it made us stronger or wiser….and many of these things seem unimportant today.

These past few days, I’ve been reflecting on the year…..the year that just passed and the year to come. I used to write New Year’s Resolutions, but haven’t done that in a while. I do have goals and plans, I write some of them down, but I do this at multiple times of the year, not just on New Year’s Day.

I did a little research and learned that New Year’s Resolutions have been around since the times of the Romans, they would begin their year making promises to the god Janus, for whom January is named. The tradition has continued and many people still write them every year. These resolutions are usually goals, plans, or acts of self-improvement (I almost always have a resolution to lose those last 5 pounds, ha)  beginning the new year.

My resolutions this year include:

– Call my mom & grandmother more often (they are in my thoughts & prayers daily, but I want to call them more often)

– Spend more time with close friends (life has many demands on our time, but my close friends are like family to me)

– Exercise more often (I’ve been slacking the past few months)

– Eat healthier (I eat pretty healthy, but can improve)

– Read more (a hobby I enjoy & learn from -I read non-fiction- but have spent less time doing lately)

– Spend more time on my blog – add posts more often (I am enjoying the blog & the interaction with you, it has become a nice community & am glad you are also enjoying it, thanks for your comments, it warms my heart when I meet people and they tell me they read the blog! Thank you!)

– Learn to edit video & photos (I have wanted to learn to edit video for the past year, but have prioritized other projects at work, this year I need to learn it and will make it a priority)

-Improve my skills in social media and learn about the latest marketing trends (I believe in self-improvement and continuos growth, I’m always trying to find ways and get feedback from colleagues on how to improve my work, be it my on-camera skills, the projects I work on, producing, managing, marketing, etc…there is always room for growth)

I have another personal resolutions and will share it if….when it comes true.

Best wishes to all of you and God bless! May 2014 bring you everything you want, health, happiness, success, and many, many blessings!

Do you write New Year’s Resolutions? What are they, share in the comments!

Hugs & Happy New Year,


monique paola miriam gordo mariana mayu new years

This pic is from a few years ago, it is so festive I decided to add it to the post 🙂 Happy New Year’s!

How a Movie Can Help You De-stress


I used to consider watching movies one of my hobbies. I loved watching movies…actually, I still do, but now I don’t seem to have time to watch too many DVD movies at home. When I was single, I used to look forward to the day my Netflix movie would arrive and sometimes, I would watch the movie that same night, even if it was a weeknight. When I got married, my husband also had a Netflix account, so we cancelled one of them. About a year later, we changed the membership to cancel the movie deliveries and now only have the on-line option because we no longer watch DVD movies at home that often. I like the option of having movies available on-line, so we have kept that membership.

Movies are a good and simple form of entertainment! They can also be educational or there is a positive message you can take from them! You can get lost in a movie, cry, laugh, and sometimes just “feel good” after watching a movie. Even though, I no longer watch too many DVD movies at home, I enjoy going to the movies and still make it to the theatre about once a month to see a movie. Every once in a while I go to the movies with my hubby, nephews, or sister – but not very often. My movie buddy is Lola, my bestie. This has become a fun outing for us. An outing that I look forward to because I can combine time with my friend, I know I am going to laugh and have a nice time! We both have busy lives, so we schedule the movie night about a week or two ahead of time. I literally put it on my Outlook calendar and send her an appointment invitation.  She is usually out of town on weekends and I work at events on many weekends, so we tend to go to the movies on weekdays, which is nice because the theaters are not packed. Sometimes, we meet at the theatre, others at her home and walk about a mile to the theatre downtown in order to get a little exercise. Other times, we’ll meet at the mall and go shopping before the movie. These movie outings with Lola give me something to look forward to, not only that I will watch a movie, but also that I get to catch up with my friend! I always, always have fun and leave feeling happy afterwards! Doing things I enjoy and spending time with close friends, helps me de-stress, it makes me feel like I am dedicating some time to myself, to my welll-being, and happiness – and this makes me a better person, wife, and employee! They say having outings or events to look froward to helps us increase our happiness! Well, it is true for me!

So, next time you have an opportunity to go catch a movie with a friend, do it! I know sometimes it may seem hard to make time for ourselves and we may tend to place others’ needs before ours. I can relate, even though I do not have children yet, I do have many responsibilities that fill my schedule. You will not only enjoy the movie, you’ll also enjoy time with your friend and that will enrich your life!

When was the last time you went to the movies with a friend?



Pictured above are Lola and I at the movie theatre, we went shopping, then caught a movie. It was a weeknight, that is why I was still wearing my work attire, she had changed into a casual outfit.

amc theatre plaza bonita movie monique

I recently went to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire with my sister. We went on a Saturday, after I had worked at an event for about five hours. Even though I knew it would be a long day and I would be tired, I went to the movies with my sister that night because I knew I would enjoy the time with her, plus I was looking forward to seeing that movie, it’s great!

DSCN4007 DSCN4010

This summer, we went to see the Flight of the Butterflies movie at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center’s Imax Theater. It was a fun outing with my sis, sister-in-law, and nephews/nieces! The movie is interesting, educational, and has beautiful scenes!

DSCN3754DSCN3758DSCN3756 Over the summer, my hubby and I  took my nephew to see Disney’s Planes movie. This required coordinating four schedules, my husband’s, sister’s, nephews, and mine, we scheduled it about two weeks ahead of time. This is an outing I was definitely looking forward to! Look at that adorable smiling face! Moments with my nephew are priceless for me! He goes to the movies with his parents often, but it touched my heart when my sister told me he still talks about the day we took him to see that movie! Too cute!

My Week In Photos – The Start of December

holiday celebration photo elves claudia robert dantos  copy

December is always a festive month. The holiday season has already started with Thanksgiving and there are just a few weeks left in the year. At work, there is lots to complete before the end of the year….and let’s not forget lots of Christmas shopping to do. There are also lots of joyous and festive occasions, such as Continue reading

How a Ringing Bell Can Make a Difference


I was honored to be included in Giving Back Magazine’s November Issue which featured Community Leaders regarding how they were going to “give back” to local charities these holidays. I included the Salvation Army in my portion of the article because I have been volunteering with them for more than six years. I have seen first hand how they help thousands of San Diegans every year. As a member of their Public Relations Board for the San Diego & Imperial Counties Chapter, I have seen how they impact people’s lives, not only during emergencies and disasters around the world, but also locally. They have thrift stores which in addition to raising funds for their programs, also provide jobs, they also have camp programs for youth, the Kroc Center for children and families, they have a rehabilitation center, senior centers, food distribution services, a shelter home for women, and many more programs. They are rated as one of the best charities in regards to the percentage of funds that actually go to the charity and not administration or salaries. If I recall correctly, about 90% of every donation goes directly to the programs to help others, to the charity directly, that is amazing!

This holiday season, I supported the Salvation Army by producing and hosting two interview for them regarding their Holiday Fundraising Campaign and Toy Drive. I also volunteered as a bell ringer on the All Star Bell Ringing Day. We had fun! I was located at a Walmart in Santee, along with three other local celebrities – the Fox San Diego Sports Girls and the Chick-Fil-A Cow, and Lynn from the Salvation Army. My toes were freezing at the end of the night, but it was worth it! It was nice to see so many people donate to the red kettle, every little helps, some people donated ten, five, one dollar…or coins. They searched in their pockets for change and donated it. It was nice to see parents teaching their children to donate by allowing their children to be the one’s to place the money in the kettle and telling them that it was to help families in need. It also warmed my heart to hear stories from people which had been helped by the Salvation Army locally. So, next time you hear a bell ringer, hopefully you will donate in the red kettle, every little helps. If you’d like to support the Salvation Army , you can donate on-line at their site and also sign-up to be a bell-ringer, here’s the link. I’ve enjoyed volunteering with them, it is very satisfying!

Merry Christmas!

Do you volunteer with any charities?




All Star Bell Ringing Day: Lots of children went up to the Chick-Fil-A Cow to get a hug & take a picture with him. He told us he borrowed his jacket and hat from Santa, cute!


Interview day: We took a quick picture while they were preparing the guest in the background for the interview on the set.

salvation army interview hoidsys 2013 in studio

We took a group picture in the studio after the interviews. The man in the orange shirt is Justino, our wonderful floor manager, it is great to work with him during interviews! Standing next to me is Suzi Woodruff-Lacey from the Salvation Army, we’ve become friends over the years, she is sweet and a creative public relations expert!

My Week In Photos – November

azteca en la comunidad studio iterview set MMM 1 paola liz landa barbara jimenez nov 8 2013

November was a very busy month! I am usually quite busy, but during November we launched a new holiday initiative called Month of a Million Meals at the television stations where I work. I am managing the initiative, it is a large undertaking, starting the campaign from scratch and working with Feeding America San Diego to raise one million meals for local families in need. It has been a true pleasure to work with the Feeding America San Diego staff and to be part of such a good cause! This campaign was huge because it involved multiple facets, promotion on various platforms, a Holiday Celebration Event at Westfield Plaza Bonita and working with multiple departments within the stations, in addition to the external partners and cross-promotion with other media. We started from scratch, from developing the plan, the promotion, the logo, landing pages, promo spots and scripts, to working with the station anchors and reporters (as well as a national TV host & the Azteca America Network reps), and of course, translating everything to Spanish for the Azteca station….and much more! I am glad to say the campaign has been successful! We rolled out the campaign a few days early and even though it has been many, many hours of working late, it has been worth it because we will help so many families! We still have a few more weeks to go, the phone bank this coming week and some more production and web postings, but we are doing well! In addition to the campaign, I had my regular projects and television hosting responsibilities to complete, and planning for 2014, so there was lots going on during November!  Anyway, this is the reason, I have not been as active on my blog as usual, but I seem to be getting back to my normal work schedule, so I plan to post on a regular basis again! Thank you for your patience & support!

Instead of doing a “Week in Photos” post, this is “the last weeks of November.” Have you worked on any large projects that have consumed your time and required you to work longer hours?



The picture posted above is from the first Month of a Million Meals interview I hosted on Azteca San Diego (I also produce these interviews – for both ABC10 & Azteca San Diego). In total, we produced eight interviews for the campaign over a six week period….compared to the two interviews we usually do for station sponsored events – you can see why this is such a large campaign!


Due to my schedule, I haven’t been able to attend too many events these past few weeks, but did make it to Mana de San Diego’s Brindis Gala. The theme was Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and it was a fun event!


Special thanks to my hubby….he’s been very understanding of my hectic schedule, he’s been so supportive, he’s even been getting take-out for us to have for dinner on nights that I’ve had to work late! On this night, he got it at Boston Market…I had the mashed potatoes & corn for dinner, and the chicken for lunch the next day (this is a large piece of chicken).

sundae greek restaurant jim dec 1 2013 countertop

And he even gets dessert! This was his, but I had two spoonfuls of it, delicious! He knows I try to eat healthy, so I usually only have a bite of his dessert.


In between the other shoots for commercials and community interviews, I also had the pleasure of hosting an interview with Rafael Sigler from Freeway Insurance. He’s a pro & it’s always a pleasure to work with him!

sunsetn outside station nov 12 2013 antenna in backfround parking lot copy

The time changed and it was usually dark by the time I left the office…I did catch this sunset one evening.

five guys burger & fries

Another night, my hubby took me to dinner to Five Guys Burgers & Fries, I didn’t eat a burger, but did enjoy their fries, just the right crunchiness, super tasty! I will definitely be back!

coffee mug SF on coffee table background tanksgiving wreath & fire[p;ace nov 9 2013

I put out a few Thanksgiving decorations and enjoyed relaxing with a cappuccino at home on one of the weekends!

paola bill griffith studiio photos studio recording MMM holiday ce;ebration promos

I had the opportunity to appear with 10News’ Bill Griffith in promotional spots for ABC10 & Azteca San Diego 15 for Month of a Million Meals’ Donation Day at Westfield Plaza Bonita’s Holiday Celebration.

1456530_353988334738244_1914415482_nMy hubby & I had a trip to Hawaii planned, so in between it all, I took a few days to get away with him. I was replying to e-mail and taking calls – while sitting by the pool or on the beach, so I was able to enjoy the trip!

Celebrating a New Baby in Our Family


Our family is very happy that my sister-in-law is expecting a baby…it’s a boy! She looks beautiful! To celebrate her pregnancy my sister, Monique, and I organized a baby shower for her and some of her closest friends. It was a lovely day filled with joy and Continue reading