Winter Pedicure – Do You Get One? / Pedicure Invernal

DSCN7968 Hi friends,

Do you get pedicures during the winter season? I get pedicures on a regular basis. Every four to six weeks I go into the nail salon and get a spa pedicure. It is fantastic, a little “me” time. Sometimes, I don’t have time to get to the salon and will paint over the polish, in an attempt to stretch the pedicure a few days until I can get to the salon.

Recently, I went on a vacation with my hubby to Orlando and was glad I had a pedicure, so my toes were sandal and beach ready!

Of course, living in Southern California, w can pretty much wear open toe shoes year round, but it does get cold for a few months during the year. This is when we bring out our boots and wear socks with our shoes. Some of my friends don’t get pedicures during the winter season because they say their toes aren’t visible in the boots. This got me wondering about how many women don’t get pedicures during the winter?

Do you get a pedicure on a regular basis? Do you gat a pedicure during the winter season?



ESPANOL: Hola amigos,

Se hacen pedicure durante el invierno? Yo voy a hacerme pedicures regularmente. Cada cuatro a seis semanas voy a la estetica y me hago un pedicure. Es fantastico, un poco de “tiempo para mi.” Aveces no tengo tiempo de ir a la estetica y me pongo pintura de unas encima del pedicure para alargar el pedicure unos dias mas hasta que tengo la oportunidad de ir a la estetica.

Recientemente, fui de vacaciones con mi marido a Orlando y estaba contenta que ya tenia un pedicure, asi mis pies estaban listos para sandalias y la playa!

Claro, viviendo en el sur de California, practicamente podemos usar zapatos abiertos gran parte del ano. Pero, si hace frio algunos meses. Esta es la temporada cuando sacamos las botas y usamos zapatos con calcetas. Algunas de mis amigas no se hacen pedicures durante el invierno ya que dicen que sus pies no son visibles en botas. Esto me hizo preguntar, cuantas mujeres no se hacen pedicure durante el invierno?

Te haces pedicures regularmente? Te haces pedicures durante el invierno?

Un abrazo,



I spent lots of time wearing these during our vacation…glad my toes were sandal ready!

Pase mucho tiempo usando estas durante nuestras vacaciones…..que bueno que mis pies estaban listos para usar sandalias!


I also spent lots of time relaxing with my feet up 🙂

Pase mucho tiempo relajando, con mis pies elevados 🙂

pedicue pool orlando

And relaxing by the pool.

Y relajada junto a la alberca.

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Latin Food Fest


Today’s Look: Acqua Blue

My Week In Photos

My Week In Photos

One Less Hour

clock spring formard

Hi friends,

Today, we will set our clock forward one hour for daylight savings time. It got me thinking about what I would change if everyday I had one less hour in my day. How would I adapt my schedule and activities? I would probably have one less hour of leisure time every evening. We have all made adjustments in our schedules when life changes occur. Sometimes, these are for positive changes in our lives. For example, I have less free time to spend with my friends now that I am married, but as much as I miss my friends, I gladly made the change because I want to spend time with my husband. Many people make adjustments to their daily schedules when they have children, make career changes, care for a loved one, or even to exercise more or study if they want to reach a goal (I know I cut my exercise and sleeping times short when I was studying my MBA).

It also got me thinking about what I would do if I had an additional hour everyday. Ah, that sounds magnificent! I often say, there just aren’t enough hours in the day – for the hours I need (want) to dedicate to my career, time I want to spend with family and friends, write more blog posts, read a book, exercise, organize items at home….sleep sufficiently, etc., etc. Then, I started thinking about exactly what I would ENJOY doing if I had an extra hour every day?  With an extra hour, I would probably….sleep an extra 15 – 30 minutes on weeknights, exercise every morning – even if just for 15 minutes, and of course spend more time with my hubby and family or friends (even if just a quick phone call to say hi). I’d also like to be able to spend more time on my blog, so I may give up the extra sleep time to write a daily post (even though each post takes me about one to two hours, not 15 minutes). If I had an extra few minutes left, I may read a book or a magazine, if not every day, maybe once or twice a week.

What would you ENJOY doing if you had an ADDITIONAL hour everyday?

What would you adjust in your schedule if you had one LESS hour everyday?



PS – Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour, starting at 2:00 am local time. You an still sleep an extra hour though, it is a Sunday after all, or as we say sometimes refer to it in Spanish, “duermingo” which combines duermo = to sleep and the last five letters in  domingo = Sunday 🙂   Have a great rest of your weekend!

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A Night at the Piazza


Holiday Traditions: Gingerbread House


Easter – Lent – Traditions

flowers station yard

Hi friends,

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of lent. This weekend we will change our clocks and set them an hour ahead for daylight savings. Spring will soon begin and in a few weeks it will be Easter Sunday. It is amazing how fast the first two months of the year have passed.

I had not gone to mass on Ash Wednesday in a few years. Yesterday, I visited my sister and nephews, and we went to mass together. We also saw my brother and his family at the church. It was a treat to see them all! Since I got married and moved away from the south bay area of San Diego, I do not see my siblings and nephews as often as I used to. I also don’t go to mass as often. It was nice to go to mass yesterday, to feel a sense of tradition, family, as well as beliefs and faith.

Some of us believe in a higher being and have faith. Over the years, I have learned to rest in my faith and to trust that whatever outcome occurs, it is for a reason. A reason I may not understand today, but eventually I will. It is not always easy, but praying and having faith help me relax and let go of my worries. I am also thankful for the many blessings in my life and my family’s life, many times I pray not to ask for things, but to be thankful.

Lent is also a period in which I reflect – on life, on how fast time goes by, on family unity and the love it brings, and on traditions. I am looking forward to the spring and Easter. Most of all, I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends, as we celebrate the tradition of Easter – to seeing the flowers bloom as gardens are transformed into beautiful, colorful works of art!

No matter how busy our lives get, it is always nice to stop and appreciate it, take it in, relax a bit, and realize time goes by way too fast. Enjoy today, because you will only live it once! Enjoy the present, as the saying goes, it is a “present” (a gift)!

I took the picture of the flowers above while I was on walk recently. It was a random, colorful bunch of flowers that was just blooming in the middle of pebbles on the edge of a parking lot. It wasn’t part of a garden or planned landscaping, it was just a few flowers blooming! It made me smile and stop to appreciate them, and take a picture. It made me realize spring is just around the corner. Hope you enjoy the coming of spring and the blooming flowers that come along with it!

Do you have plans for Easter? Do you follow any traditions this time of the year? Can you believe how fast the first two months of the year already passed?



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Holiday Traditions: Gingerbread House


How a Movie Can Help De-Stress You

A Night at the Piazza


Hi friends – this past week, my husband and I went to see the musical The Light In The Piazza at the South Coast Repertory. It was a wonderful performance and we had a nice evening! It was nice to get dressed up to go to the theatre and the Opening Night After Party. The play took place in a setting in Florence, Italy.

In the program, there was a post card insert that asked “What’s Your Most Memorable Travel Experience?” Attendees could fill the post card on the reverse side and post it on a special board located in the lobby of the theatre. It got me thinking about some of the trips I have taken….and in this case, due to the city where the play took place, it reminded me of my trips to Florence. It reminded me of the dinners and evenings I spent during “Nights at the Piazza – in Florence!”

The first trip to Florence was with my friend Lizeth, it was in the fall and traveled in Europe for two weeks. We visited London, Venice, Florence, and Rome. We took the train from Venice to Rome, such a scenic ride. We spent a few days in Florence, visited the sights, historic buildings, and museums. We must have eaten a gelato every day, yum! It was a nice trip, with my good friend! At the time of the trip, Lizeth was and continues to be one of my closest friends. Sometimes we reminisce about the trip with fond memories!

The second visit to Florence, was with my friend Charisse. We had been on a long trip over three weeks, during the spring, in various countries in Europe. It was an organized tour, so I was a bit hesitant initially, but was pleasantly surprised that we had a very nice vacation. I learned quite a bit on that tour since there was a guide with us at all times and all the visits to museums included a guide. We saw so many cities! We spent a few days in Florence. On one of the evenings, Charisse and I separated from the tour group and had a dinner at a cute restaurant in a piazza. We had such a pleasant evening, with wine, bread (with olive oil & vinegar to dip in), pizza, pasta, and good conversation! There was also musicians performing! Every time I visit a city for the second time, I see it in a different way. Usually, I’ll avoid the touristy activities and opt to walk around and explore the city, sit on a bench for some people watching, go shopping, and perhaps visit some secondary attractions I missed the first time.

Both of these trips left me with fond memories! They were memorable travel experiences!

What’s your most memorable travel experience? And, why? Do you have a favorite vacation destination?



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It was nice to dress up for a”date night” with my husband for an evening at the theatre.

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The program included a few pages of the historic sites in Florence, beautiful! These pictures brought back memories of my trips to Florence.


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We enjoyed some good wine, Italian food, & conversations at the Opening Night After Party at Antonello Ristorante located close to the theatre!

A few pics from my trips to Europe with Lizeth & Charisse:


In London with Lizeth, afterwards we headed to Venice, then Florence, and ended our vacation in Rome.



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With Charisse – at the Swiss Alps, visiting London, attending Moulin Rouge in Paris, and arriving in Venice. And, of course, had to include a pic of the famous David, in Florence.

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Porsche Museum – Germany


My Weekend In Photos: Visiting San Francisco


How a Movie Can Help You De-stress


I used to consider watching movies one of my hobbies. I loved watching movies…actually, I still do, but now I don’t seem to have time to watch too many DVD movies at home. When I was single, I used to look forward to the day my Netflix movie would arrive and sometimes, I would watch the movie that same night, even if it was a weeknight. When I got married, my husband also had a Netflix account, so we cancelled one of them. About a year later, we changed the membership to cancel the movie deliveries and now only have the on-line option because we no longer watch DVD movies at home that often. I like the option of having movies available on-line, so we have kept that membership.

Movies are a good and simple form of entertainment! They can also be educational or there is a positive message you can take from them! You can get lost in a movie, cry, laugh, and sometimes just “feel good” after watching a movie. Even though, I no longer watch too many DVD movies at home, I enjoy going to the movies and still make it to the theatre about once a month to see a movie. Every once in a while I go to the movies with my hubby, nephews, or sister – but not very often. My movie buddy is Lola, my bestie. This has become a fun outing for us. An outing that I look forward to because I can combine time with my friend, I know I am going to laugh and have a nice time! We both have busy lives, so we schedule the movie night about a week or two ahead of time. I literally put it on my Outlook calendar and send her an appointment invitation.  She is usually out of town on weekends and I work at events on many weekends, so we tend to go to the movies on weekdays, which is nice because the theaters are not packed. Sometimes, we meet at the theatre, others at her home and walk about a mile to the theatre downtown in order to get a little exercise. Other times, we’ll meet at the mall and go shopping before the movie. These movie outings with Lola give me something to look forward to, not only that I will watch a movie, but also that I get to catch up with my friend! I always, always have fun and leave feeling happy afterwards! Doing things I enjoy and spending time with close friends, helps me de-stress, it makes me feel like I am dedicating some time to myself, to my welll-being, and happiness – and this makes me a better person, wife, and employee! They say having outings or events to look froward to helps us increase our happiness! Well, it is true for me!

So, next time you have an opportunity to go catch a movie with a friend, do it! I know sometimes it may seem hard to make time for ourselves and we may tend to place others’ needs before ours. I can relate, even though I do not have children yet, I do have many responsibilities that fill my schedule. You will not only enjoy the movie, you’ll also enjoy time with your friend and that will enrich your life!

When was the last time you went to the movies with a friend?



Pictured above are Lola and I at the movie theatre, we went shopping, then caught a movie. It was a weeknight, that is why I was still wearing my work attire, she had changed into a casual outfit.

amc theatre plaza bonita movie monique

I recently went to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire with my sister. We went on a Saturday, after I had worked at an event for about five hours. Even though I knew it would be a long day and I would be tired, I went to the movies with my sister that night because I knew I would enjoy the time with her, plus I was looking forward to seeing that movie, it’s great!

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This summer, we went to see the Flight of the Butterflies movie at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center’s Imax Theater. It was a fun outing with my sis, sister-in-law, and nephews/nieces! The movie is interesting, educational, and has beautiful scenes!

DSCN3754DSCN3758DSCN3756 Over the summer, my hubby and I  took my nephew to see Disney’s Planes movie. This required coordinating four schedules, my husband’s, sister’s, nephews, and mine, we scheduled it about two weeks ahead of time. This is an outing I was definitely looking forward to! Look at that adorable smiling face! Moments with my nephew are priceless for me! He goes to the movies with his parents often, but it touched my heart when my sister told me he still talks about the day we took him to see that movie! Too cute!

Celebrating a New Baby in Our Family


Our family is very happy that my sister-in-law is expecting a baby…it’s a boy! She looks beautiful! To celebrate her pregnancy my sister, Monique, and I organized a baby shower for her and some of her closest friends. It was a lovely day filled with joy and Continue reading

A Weekend in Laguna Beach

Weekend getaways with my hubby are a nice way for us to spend time together, while enjoying a mini-break away from home. Getaways sometimes take an effort to plan on both of our parts because we have to arrange our schedules ahead of time and work extra hours to prepare to be out of town, but it is always worth it!

We recently went to Laguna Niguel, in Orange County. We stayed at The Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel, which is a beautiful resort! We spent the morning enjoying the property, discovering the multiple recreational activities, decorations, and flowers the resort has, as well as relaxed at the spa and did some reading. One of my favorite ways to exercise is to go for long walks…and it doesn’t get much nicer than a long walk next to the beach! A close friend of mine, Susy, lives in Orange County with her husband and adorable baby. We were able to meet them for lunch over the weekend – it was nice to catch up with her! We did a little shopping…..and enjoyed the OC! Laguna Niguel is just about 90 minutes from San Diego, even if you don’t stay overnight, you can visit on a day trip, it is worth it! You can enjoy the beach, the shops, and the wonderful weather! What is our favorite weekend getaway destination?



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The flowers throughout the resort were elegant & beautiful!

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Our room was very nice and spacey, with a small walk-in closet.DSCN5730 DSCN5732

This corner cabinet was where the safe & refrigerator were located.

The view from our room….to one of the pools on the property.DSCN5747 DSCN5748

There was an art exhibit of elephants located in the lobby and main corridor area, so cute & unique!DSCN5749 DSCN5752 DSCN5756

The option for outside, casual dining. DSCN5768 DSCN5770

The gym was spacious, with an amazing view of the beach, & well supplied. This gym could almost make one want to exercise, haha!


I spent part of my day at the spa…..relaxation time!


This is the larger pool. DSCN5784 DSCN5791 DSCN5796

Walk along the beach….breathtaking views! (forgot my hat, but had on sunblock!)DSCN5803 DSCN5804 DSCN5809

The resort sits atop a hill right on the ocean.

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I love andorak chairs…and what a view you get from these & the one’s below!

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There were multiple options for recreation.

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We did a little shopping at the Fashion Island mall in Newport Beach.DSCN5874

Arriving back in Laguna Beach.


Having lunch with Suzi and her family in Laguna Beach.

DSCN5878 DSCN5876 DSCN5879 DSCN5880We also had dessert with Suzi’s family! The desserts here are a work of art! I enjoyed a fruit tart!

Spa Day in Baden Baden, Germany


During our vacation to Germany, we spent a day at Baden Baden, a city known for its mineral spas. I had been there on vacation with my sister about 10 years ago. I recorded a video blog, so I wasn’t able to take many pictures and taking pictures inside the spa is not allowed. We spent the day at Caracalla Spa enjoying the mineral water pools and jacuzzis, as well as the steam rooms. Afterwards, we did a little shopping at the gift shop and headed to dinner. We found a little Prague style restaurant in town, just a few blocks from the spa. My hubby ordered  a dumpling soup and goulash. I don’t really like goulash or dumplings, so I had a broiled potato (this was pretty much what I ate daily on our vacation to Prague a few years ago). Of course, I tried a few spoonfuls of the dessert, how can you say no to a sundae? I can’t! We had a relaxing day in Baden Baden! If you visit Germany and have time to make a side trip, I definitely recommend Baden Baden. It is a cute & quaint town, with wonderful and unique spas! We’ll probably come back in a few years!



PS – Our trip to Germany: Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, enjoying Sonnora Waldhotel & Restaurant and Black Forest in west Germany, and visiting Kurhaus Casino & Kaefers’ Restaurant.


This is the entrance of the spa (picture taken from the inside looking out).


This is the lobby of the spa.


Our table had flowers and  a small candle, always a nice touch!


My hubby ordered dumpling soup and his mexo-mix soft drink (Coke & Fanta mix).

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I ordered a broiled potato, in the background you can see the goulash dish my husband ordered.


We shared dessert. The sundae was delicious….and huge!

Germany: Kurhaus Casino & Kaefers’ Restaurant


My hubby and I went on vacation to Germany last week. We have a home in Germany and he goes there a few times per year. It is quite the trek & a long flight, so I make the trip with him once a year. This time we visited Baden Baden (one of my favorite cities), Stuttgart, the Black Forest area (west Germany), the city of Nancy in France, and of course, Wiesbaden, my hubby’s hometown. He was born and grew up in San Francisco, so that is really his hometown, but he also grew up in Germany. I recorded a vblog and will try to get it posted soon. I’ll post the pictures from our trip in parts since it takes me a while to select and upload them.

Our trip was from Friday to the next Sunday, so we were gone for 10 days. We took an evening flight and landed the next day around 3:00 pm in Germany. I am not good at sleeping during flights and don’t like to take sleeping pills, so I had bad jet-lag on Saturday. We made a quick stop to buy some snacks and water, and headed home. I slept all afternoon and woke up the next day! Geez! We spent Sunday at home, which was nice since I still had jet-lag. Monday we did some shopping and went out to a Restaurant we visit each time we go to Wiesbaden, it is called Kaefers’, a french bistro style restaurant, located inside the Kurhaus Casino. My hubby waited patiently as I took pictures of our dinner and dessert. It was a mellow first three days to start off our vacation, the rest was non-stop – fun – with daily visits to different cities! Next post will be….visit to the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, I took lots of pictures…coming soon!



PS – Our visit to the Porsche Museum, a spa day in Baden Baden, and enjoying the Sonnora Waldhotel & Restaurant and Black Forest in west Germany.


This is the main entrance to the Kurhaus Casino.

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Kaefers’ Restaurant…we call it the ladybug restaurant because there are lady bug figurines on the table and painted on the glasses. Lady bugs are supposed to bring good luck…or so the belief goes.


They bring you freshly carved carpaccio as an appetizer with a bread basket….but, as in many European Restaurants, they charge you for the bread & carpaccio.


My husband had a meet dish, I had this yummy salad (which I order each time we eat here)….to my surprise there was goat cheese on the bottom, I had forgotten that! The salad was so large I took most of the salmon home and had it the next day for breakfast with some fresh bread! I eat so much bread when I am in Europe….you find it freshly baked everywhere, even at gas station stores! Love it!!!


We had the strawberry tart a la mode for dessert, it was delicious!



The area where the chefs prepare the appetizers.


This is a beautiful cheese cart they have….cheese is a huge staple for meals in Europe…as an appetizer, snack, part of a sandwich, and dessert when served with fruit!


The carving station where waiters carves the carpaccio fresh for each table!

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They bring you your receipt in this colorful lady bug container, with two chocolates wrapped in lady bug foil. Cute!

Happy Mexican Independence Day


Mexico’s Independence Day is celebrated on September 16….not Cinco de Mayo as some may think 😉 I attended the Anniversary of Mexican Independence event organized by the Consulate of Mexico. It was a very nice event with dignitaries, award recipients, and performances by ballet folkloric and the Student Mariachi from San Diego State University. The ballet folkloric performances were beautiful and the Mariachi music gave me goosebumps, it was such a delight to listen to! The event was held at the San Diego Museum of Art with a reception after the program. The food was delicious, of course a Mexican menu, with sopes, tamales, empanadas, pastel tres leches, tacos, salad with queso fresco, aguas frescas, and traditional popsicles made from fresh fruit! Happy Independence Day to Mexico and all of it’s people, as a Mexican-Amreican, I include myself in the celebration! I get to celebrate the 4th of July & 16th of September! Did you know Mexican Independence Day is on September 16? How do you celebrate Mexican Independence Day?



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My Week In Photos

Hello friends!

The weather cooled down a bit this week, it got back to regular San Diego weather, which was nice because I got to enjoy two outdoor evening events this week! Every week I have multiple reasons why I love my career, this week two stand out – the Miramar Air Show and the Walk for Autism Speaks. I produced and hosted interviews for both events this week. These events are coming up in October and the stations (where I work) are supporting them! I am looking forward to both events, they each support a great cause!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Do you have fun plans? Do share!



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With the MCAS Miramar Air Show representatives.

autism speaks walk spokesperson 2013 on set paola

With the Walk for Autism Speaks representative.

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DSCN4683At the Anniversary of Mexican Independence Event, organized by the Consulate of Mexico (pictured with Lola Raggio). The Mariachi is from San Diego State University’s Music Program.


Enjoyed delicious food at the Latin Food Fest’s Opening Night event! It was nice to see some friends at the event – pictured with Kim Rescate, Ana Pines, and chefs.

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Did an interview with Marco Puente, reporter for City College TV, during the Latin Food Fest. It was a delight to meet Marco!

Latin Food Fest


Being Hispanic, it is always nice to hear of events that portray Mexico and Latin America in a positive way! The 2013 Latin Food Fest had it’s Opening Night on Thursday and I attended. It was nice to see the multiple exhibitor tables that highlighted a variety of Latin food and drinks! There were restaurants and wineries from the Southern California and Baja region, as well as Latin culinary celebrities (chefs).  The food was exquisite, from gourmet tacos, to seafood dishes, delicious desserts, chocolate, coffee, & more! The Fest also includes 14 events, such as tasting parties, educational seminars, celebrity chef demonstrations, and a benefit dinner. If you have an opportunity stop by the Latin Food Fest this weekend, it runs until Sunday (9/15), your palate will thank you. For more details, visit: Do you have a favorite latin dish? Do share!



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I did an interview for City College TV with reporter Marco Puente.

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My Week in Photos

Happy Sunday everyone! This week was a bit different for me because of the Labor Day Holiday. It was a short work week and went by super fast! We started the week in Las Vegas and ended it with family on the soccer field at my nephew’s first soccer game. Somewhere in there, I managed to get in some exercise and even took a nap on Saturday! Best wishes for a great week…starting tomorrow! How was your week? Share your pics!



Feliz domingo a todos! Esta semana fue un poco diferente para mi debido al festejo del Día del Trabajo. Fue una semana corta de trabajo y se paso súper rápido! Comenzamos la semana en Las Vegas y la terminamos con familia en el primer partido de fútbol de mi sobrino. De alguna manera, entre todo eso, logre hacer un poco de ejercicio y hasta me tome una siesta el sábado! Les mando los mejores deseos para una semana excelente….comenzando mañana! Como estuvo tu semana? Comparte tus fotos!

Un abrazo,


We spent the holiday weekend & started our week in Las Vegas – we stayed at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.

Pasamos en fin de semana largo y comenzamos la semana en Las Vegas – nos quedamos en Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.



I did some shopping in Las Vegas – at the Miracle Mile Shops – I may do a post on the items I got!

Hice algunas compras en Miracle Miles Shops durante nuestro tiempo el Las Vegas – quizas hare una note despues sobre los articulos que encontre!



It was nice to spend time with my friend Rosy & her husband Chris, while in Las Vegas! We had dinner on the first night….and did some more shopping at the Forum Shops at Caesar’s. The next day, they took us out on their boat for a day on Lake Mead. It was so relaxing and beautiful!

Me dio gusto ver a mi amiga Rosy y su marido Chris, durante nuestra visita a Las Vegas! La primera noche salimos a cenar….e hicimos mas compras en Forum Shops en el Caesar’s. El siguiente da nos llevaron a pasear y pasar el dia en su lancha en Lake Mead. Esta muy bonito el lago y fue relajante pasearnos en la lancha!


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Back to work – attended A Day of Joy fundraising reception for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

De regreso al trabajo – fui a la recepcion Un Dia de Alegria, para recaudar fondos para Ronald McDonald House Charities.

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Exercise choice for the day: Pool Time! With this warm weather, the pool was a good & fun choice for my workout with Lola!

Ejercicio para el dia: Alberca! Con este clima cálido, hacer ejercicio con Lola en la alberca fue una buena y divertida opcion!

pool lolas building

From Casual Friday to Casual Dinner. I love sushi! We found a place that serves good sushi and has menu options my hubby likes, from teriyaki to steaks. We had dinner there with some of his work colleagues/friends.

De Viernes Casual en el Trabajo a una Cena Casual. Me encanta el sushi! Encontramos un restaurante que tiene buen sushi y tambien una variedad de opciones en el menu que le gustan a mi marido, desde teriyaki hasta carnes. Cenamos ahí con sus compañeros de trabajo/amigos.


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Saturday morning, we went to see my nephew’s first soccer game & cheered the team on! At this age, all games end in ties, too cute.

El sábado tempranito fuimos ver el primer partido de futbol de mi sobrino, para hecharle porras al equipo. A esta edad, todos los partidos terminan en empate, que lindos.


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Went out for Saturday brunch with my hubby. Since our weeks are so busy and I occasionally have work commitments on weekends, plus we travel quite a bit, I enjoy making breakfast for him at home on weekends, but this Saturday we went to brunch. I ate the muffin, it was large & delicious! Didn’t finish my salad, it is still in the fridge, may have it today.

El sabado salimos a desayunar. Como nuestras semanas están tan ocupadas y ocasionalmente tengo compromisos de trabajo en fin de semana, y viajamos seguido, los fines de semana que estamos en casa me gusta hacerle desayuno a mi maridito, pero este sabado salimos a desayunar. Me comi el panquecito, estaba grande y delicioso, no me termine la ensalada, todavía esta en el refigerador, quizas me la coma hoy.

brunch mimi's cafe

Hoy domingo hemos estado en casa, me encantan los domingos relajados en casa. Le hice waffles para desayunar a mi maridito y disfrute de mi capuccino!

capuccino white mug home

My Weekend in Photos: Labor Day in Las Vegas


Happy Labor Day everyone! Hope you had a good holiday & long weekend! My hubby & I make it out to Las Vegas a couple of times every year. It makes for an easy & fun weekend getaway. We don’t really gamble & I did the club thing when I was younger. We try new restaurants or the classics for dinner, do some shopping, he golfs, we walk around the casinos, go see a show, or he takes us on an aerial tour of the surrounding areas. I have a good friend, Rosy (and her husband) that lives out there and it is always nice to visit her while we are there! Thankfully, this time she was in town, we missed her the last two times we visited because she was also traveling.

My hubby had purchased a Planet Hollywood hotel package for Las Vegas at a silent auction at a charity fundraiser we attended last year. He realized recently that the package was about to expire, so we booked the reservation. It was kind of a last minute trip.

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Our room had a Christopher Reeve theme with a few Superman & movie frames:

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We arrived Sunday. To my pleasant surprise, the Miracle Mile Shops mall is located within the hotel! My sister had mentioned it, so I asked about it when we checked-in! In the afternoon, my hubby took a nap and I went shopping! With my schedule, I rarely have time to go to the mall. I buy a few things on-line, but prefer to try clothes & shoes on before purchasing them. There was a modern bar called Halo in the mall, so Vegas!

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We met Rosy for an early dinner at Trevi’s Restaurant at the Ceasar’s. We’d been there before, it is a nice restaurant with cafe style seating next to the large Fountain of the Gods, and we know the food is good. For dessert, which we shared, my hubby ordered Spaghetti Ice, too cute, the spaghetti and meatballs are gelato, the sauce was strawberry syrup, and the shredded cheese was white chocolate! After dinner, we did a little more shopping at the Forum Shops at Caesar’s – they close at 11pm!!! Wow, only in Vegas! We’ve been to this shopping center many times before, it is beautiful – and I like the stores, it’s a must see when in Vegas, love it!!! It was nice to spend some time with Rosy and get a friend’s perspective when shopping!

DSCN4285 DSCN4286 DSCN4288 DSCN4291Monday was Lake Mead day. Rosy and her husband have a boat, so they took us out for the day – it was beautiful and very relaxing! So relaxing that I took a nap in the middle of the afternoon on the boat! I’ll make a separate post of Lake Mead, I took lots of pics and it deserves its own post. Rosy has taken some photography classes and it is her hobby, so she gave me some tips! Even though I had packed a red summer dress for the day on the lake, I showed my hubby a little black & white dress I had purchased the night before at H&M (at the Miracle Mile Shops) and asked him which one I should wear – he chose the H&M dress. It was perfect for the day since it is very light & comfortable.

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Tuesday was check-out day. I had set my alarm for early, to try to perhaps go for a walk in the other casinos or do some shopping, but my body was tired and we both decided to rest instead. We are not big fans of buffets, but the package included a buffet at the hotel’s Spice Market, so we ate lunch there. I had a little bit of sushi, a few bites of lasagna, some blue cheese, hummus, and dessert. I am a sucker for dessert, so I saved my calories for dessert! The array of desserts was beautiful! I had a few spoonfuls of ice-cream with strawberries, a little creme brulee, and the apple filled crepe, just tasting a bit of each was enough for me! Yummy! I was satisfied, but not stuffed, a concern of mine with buffets. DSCN4463 DSCN4430 DSCN4482 DSCN4464 DSCN4468 DSCN4469 DSCN4438 DSCN4443 DSCN4448

Our flight home was in the early afternoon….and it always makes me chuckle to see all the slot machines at the airport! This airport is unique! Even though my hubby and I aren’t gamblers, he played for a little while at the slots machines on Saturday night. While I stopped to take the pictures at the airport, he sat a machine and played a few minutes, too funny!

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Have you been to Las Vegas? Share your most memorable Vegas story….PG story that is, just kidding! Remember, as they say, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!



PS – Our visit to the Aulani Disney Resort & Spa in Hawaii.  

Spontaneous Summer Afternoon


DSCN4118I know farmer’s markets are very popular right now. For years my sister had been telling me about their outings on Tuesday’s to the Farmer’s Market at the Otay Ranch Center in Chula Vista. Even though I lived in Eastlake for years, just a few blocks from the Center, I had never been to the Farmer’s Market. My sis and I try to see each other often and speak on the phone almost daily. Yesterday, during our call, she invited me to the Farmer’s Market and I accepted. Her husband was going to meet us there. After work, I changed out of my suit and into casual clothes. We headed to the Center and had a nice, relaxing afternoon. I was amazed by the multiple options of food. My sis bought an ice-cream for the boys and that just painted the perfect picture of summer, children enjoying an ice-cream! We started to reminisce about our grandfather and how he would buy us ice-cream and the fond memories we have of him. There was also a jumper for kids and some booths with fruits and vegetables. The Center itself is beautiful and designed to be walkable! When my brother-in-law arrived, we had some dinner from the Farmer’s Market booths and sat in the open area by the food court. It was so relaxing and the weather had gotten to the perfect summer warmth! After dinner, we did a little shopping. Before I headed home,  I stopped by The Cheesecake Factory at the Center to get a cheesecake for my hubby.

If you are like me, your weeknights are usually a bit structured and you follow a routine during the work week, but it is nice to every once in a while break the routine and enjoy an outing, making for a spontaneous summer afternoon of fun!

Have you been to a Farmer’s Market?




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The Joy of Cinema


As a fan of movies, I am a supporter of film festivals. I have seen hundreds of movies, many for pure entertainment (i.e.: blockbusters, comedies, chick flicks), some for their message about society, and I enjoy documentaries to learn about an infinite number of  subjects, such as history, nature, biographies, travel, and more. Over the years, I have been to a number of film festivals. The San Diego Latino Film Festival is presenting Exitos de Cine Latino (Successes in Latino Cinema) through August 29th at two local theaters. I have enjoyed seeing a few of the movies. If time permitted, I’d see more of the movies! This festival showcases movies from Latin America, Spain, and Mexico, meet and greets with movie directors and actors, and nightly musical performances at the movie theatre. The proceeds benefit the San Diego Media Arts Center’s programs. The television stations (where I work) are sponsoring the festival and we had the opportunity to give a welcome before one of the movies. It was nice to see a good turn out, run into contacts from radio stations and the festival organizers, as well as support a good cause. If you have an opportunity, stop by and catch a movie! For more details, visit: Have fun at the movies!

Have you been to a film festival before? Have you been to the San Diego Latino Film Festival?



Espanol: Como fan de peliculas, apoyo a festivales de cine. He visto cientas de peliculas, muchas por entretenimiento (comedias, éxitos de cartelera, y comedias románticas), algunas por su mensaje social, y disfruto documentales para aprender sobre un gran numero de temas, como historia, la naturaleza, biografías, viajes, y mas. Al paso de los anos, he ido a varios festivales de cine. El Festival de Cine Latino de San Diego esta presentando Exitos de Cine Latino hasta el 29 de agosto en dos cines en San Diego. He disfrutado de ver algunas de las películas. Si tuviese mas tiempo disponible, viera mas de las películas! Este festival presenta películas de Mexico, Latino America, y España, oportunidades de conocer a directores y actores, y entretenimiento cada noche en el cine. Los fondos recaudados benefician a los programas del Media Arts Center de San Diego (Centro de Medios). Las televisoras (donde trabajo) son patrocinadoras del festival y tuvimos la oportunidad de dar la bienvenida antes del comienzo de  una de las películas. Me dio gusto ver que habia bastante gente en el festival, encontrarme a compañeros de radiofusoras y los organizadores del festival, y poder apoyar esta buena causa. Si tienes la oportunidad, ve a ver una o varias películas! Para mas detalles sobre el festival, visita: Que se diviertan en el cine!

Has ido a un festival de cine? Has ido al Festival de Cine Latino de San Diego?

Un abrazo,


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Weekend Trip to San Francisco

This past weekend we visited San Francisco (SF). We have our second home there and it has become my second favorite city! My hubby was born in SF, so this is his hometown. This time we hadn’t been there since June due to our busy schedules. Since we are up there often, we don’t do the typical touristy things, but we do like to get out and explore the city. We enjoy visiting the restaurants, the shops, and just driving through the city, by the bay, seeing the architecture, homes, and people watching is always interesting in SF! We have friends up there, so we usually do something with another couple while we are there. I usually do not take pictures while we are in SF, unless it is something special, but this time I decided to take some so I could share the experience with you, hope you enjoy it!

Friday, we ended up getting in late because our flight was delayed, which is very common for SF. On Saturday, we relaxed in the morning, which I really like to do in SF – I am able to disconnect because when I am home there is always something that needs to be done. In SF, I sit in the living room and enjoy the view of the bay, while I have breakfast or read a book. I was able to write a blog post, then we got ready and hit the city.

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A location we must visit every time we go to San Francisco is my hubby’s favorite German restaurant, Suppenkuche. He gets his German fix! I usually order a soup or salad – and love their bread. My hubby rarely drinks, but at this restaurant he usually orders a beer with his dinner. It is a small place and gets very crowded and loud, so we learned the trick is to get there as soon as it opens. We arrived five minutes before the door opened and there were already people in line waiting for the restaurant to open! That says lots about a place! It is a casual restaurant and they sit you at tables with other people. After dinner, we like to walk around the area on Hayes Street, do some window shopping and stop by a few key stores we like, in particular two travel stores and I like an Italian shoe store called Paolo. We noticed a new mens clothing store and a coffee shop that are built out of containers. San Francisco has so many unique shops, always interesting!

Have you been to San Francisco? What is your favorite thing or place to visit at the city?



PS – Our trips to Hawaii and Baden Baden in Germany.

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We went for a walk by the bay, and a drive through Fort Mason and the Presidio. It is a national park and beautiful! I like seeing all the tall trees in the area!

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Driving through the city allows me to see a new street or houses we had not seen in past visits.

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While we are in SF, I always like to get a glimpse of the bridge…


…and of course, going over it never gets old.


Sunday, we met some friends and went to the Walt Disney Family Museum. It is run by the Disney Family Foundation. I did not even know it existed. It was a nice place to visit, lots of information regarding Walt Disney and his family, his beginnings, plans, and many successes! It was very interesting and informational! Plus, it has the Disney magic touch, with lots of nice exhibits and videos! I may do a separate posting on the Museum, I have more pictures to share and it was that interesting! It was also inspirational – Walt Disney was a visionary, artist, and driven! He wouldn’t give up on his dreams and visions, and created an amazing company that is known around the world!

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By Sunday night, it was time to come home….we love visiting San Francisco (and will be back soon), but it is always nice to come home to San Diego!sf airport gates pic aug 2013

Summer Bay Surprise

sailboats up close san diego

Lola and I were on our regular walk by the bay and saw lots of beautiful sailboats! I had seen them before, but this time decided to stop and just appreciate the beauty of our bay and these boats! Lola told me they are part of the Annual Beer Can Race Series. I did some research when I arrived at home and this tradition has been going on for 34 years. It was started by a group of friends that did not want to wait until the weekend to sail, so they started sailing every Wednesday. It has grown over the years, they really isn’t drinking involved while they sail, but there is a trophy for the winner. Every Wednesday, beginning around Memorial Day in May and through the beginning of August (Aug 7 this year), many sailboats fill the bay for this competition. It is a beautiful, breathtaking scene, particularly the stretch with the Coronado Bridge in the background! The races begin at 6pm in the center of Harbor Island, spectators can get a good view from Shelter Island, Harbor Island or Seaport Village. We saw it while we walked on the bay & stopped at Seaport Village to take these pictures.

Enjoying the beauty of these sailboats on the bay reminded me of how fortunate we are to live in San Diego! We live in an amazing city, with such beauty! It is nice to enjoy in the amenities we have….and take time out our day for a nice walk by the bay during a warm, summer afternoon!

Let’s get out there and enjoy summertime! We only have a few more weeks of summer left, let’s not take them for granted!

Have you seen these sailboats on the bay? Do you have other summer tips for easy & free outings?



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saliboat alone 1 san diego

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sailoats cornad bridge background water view

sailboats 3 closer boats coronado bridge background

The Magic of a Broadway Show



If you can’t go to New York to see a Broadway show….go see a Broadway show in San Diego (or your city)! Going to the theatre is a fun outing, there is something magical and special that happens from live performances and amazing musicals! I’ve seen a few shows on Broadway in New York….and a few here in San Diego, the main difference is the city, the quality in the performances is wonderful! The Broadway shows which appear outside of New York are considered Broadway Shows on Tour (see explanation of touring show here & here). The group that presents the performances locally is Broadway San Diego – A Nederlnd Presentation and they also have Broadway presentations in other major cities. So, if you’ve ever wanted to see a Broadway show, just drive downtown and catch one! The 2013 season has several good shows scheduled for this year! This week you can still catch Sister Act, it is a wonderful, a feel-good musical! You will laugh, be touched by the message in the story, be awed by the musical performances, the stage scenery, and the costumes. Sister Act, based on the hit feature film, is winner of five 2011 Tony Award nominations and music by multi-Academy, Grammy and Golden Globe Award-winning composer Alan Menken. It is a family friendly, spectacle with nuns that rock! The performances are this week, July 30 – August 4 at the San Diego Civic Theatre in downtown San Diego. There is one evening performance Friday (7pm), and two on Saturday  (2pm & 7:30pm) and Sunday (1pm & 6pm). Tickets start at $39.50. For more details, you can visit or Sister Act.

Enjoy the theatre!

Have you seen a Broadway Show? What is your favorite Broadway show?



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