Simple 1-Step Treatment to Maintain Hair Moisturized & Healthy Looking



During the holidays, we often used the hair dryer, curler, straightener, and other appliances to style our hair. My hair is fine and the ends break easily, but I like to have long hair, so I use deep conditioners to keep my hair moisturized and looking healthy. I know there are multiple treatments out there, from the homemade ones, to the ones applied at a beauty salon. Today, I am going to share a deep conditioning treatment that is simple and practical. If you are like me, you are busy and don’t always have time to go sit in a beauty salon for a few hours. The hair treatments applied at beauty salons are highly recommendable and about every two months I get those treatments, but it usually combined with my hair cut appointment, so it doesn’t require a special visit to the salon.

Over the years, I have used multiple deep moisturizing treatments, from very expensive products to some prepared at home. A few months ago, I read about a treatment recommended in a magazine. This treatment has given me such good results, that I have purchased it to give as gifts to my mom & nieces. I like that the application is simple, so it fits into my busy lifestyle, and it is inexpensive, so it fits into my budget. The deep moisturizing treatment I’ve been using is Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist, it only costs $3, and comes in a purple 8 ounce bottle, which lasts multiple weeks. It is also easy to find since it is sold at most stores that carry beauty products, such as Target, Walmart, or CVS, so I don’t have to drive across town to a particular beauty supply specialty store like I used to do with other more expensive treatments. There are other moisturizing treatments available and they will likely give similar results, but I have yet to find another treatment at this price that gives such good results. The important thing is to use a treatment on a regular basis. Normally, I wash my hair four times per week. The first thing I do when I get into the shower is wash my hair with shampoo and rinse it, I squeeze the excess water from my hair & pat the ends dry with a towel (I place to towel on the top of the shower door beforehand, so it is close by when I need it). I apply the treatment on the ends of my hair (from the ears down) and put it up with a clip, avoiding it get wet. It is optional to wear a shower cap. I continue showering and am careful not to place my hair under the showerhead, leaving the treatment in my hair for at least 3 – 5 minutes. The last thing I do before I get out of the shower is rinse my hair with warm or cool water. I dry and style my hair as usual, using the same leave in conditioner and light argan oil that I have used for years.

My stylist and I have noticed that over time with this simple moisturizing step, my hair is healthier. And, I don’t need to spend a bundle or lots of time on a hair treatment.

In an ideal world, we would all have tons of time and money to go to a beauty salon to get deep conditioning treatments, but in my real world, I am glad to have found a product that fits into my busy schedule and also fits into my budget.

Do you use a deep conditioning treatment at home? Which one? Do you get treatments applied to your hair at a beauty salon? I’d love to hear your recommendations on hair products.



P.S. – Let’s stay connected on Facebook: Paola Hernandez-Jiao; Instagram paolahernandezjiao; Twitter @paolahernandezj

En ESPAÑOL después de fotografías. 



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Tratamiento Sencillo De Un Paso Para Mantener Tu Cabello Humectado y Luciendo Saludable

Durante las posadas estuvimos utilizando en nuestro cabello la secadora, pinsa, laceadora, y otros aparatos. Esto resulto en resecar las puntas de nuestro cabello. Mi cabello es fino y se quiebra facilmente, pero me gusta traerlo largo, asi que utilizo tratamientos de humectación profunda para mantenerlo luciendo saludable. Se que hay varios tratamientos, desde los caseros hasta los que se aplican en estética. Hoy les voy a compartir un tratamiento sencillo y práctico. Si son como yo, están ocupadas y aveces no pueden ir a sentarse horas en la estética. Los tratamientos en estéticas son recomendables y aproximadamente cada dos meses me hago esos tratamientos, casi siempre son durante la misma cita de corte de cabello.

Al paso de los años, he ultilizado varios tratamientos, desde productos caros, hasta los hechos en casa. Hace tiempo, leí de uno recomendado en una revista. Me ha dado tan buen resultado, que se lo he regalado a mi sobrina y mamá. Me gusta que la aplicación es práctica, así que se acomoda a mi estilo de vida, y es barato, así que se acomoda a mi presupuesto. El humectante profundo es Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist, cuesta $3, y el tubo dura varias semanas. Hay otros humectantes disponibles y dan resultados similares, lo importante es usarlos con regularidad. Normalmente, me lavo el cabello cuatro veces por semana. Lo primero que hago al entrar a la regadera es lavarme el cabello, me exprimo el exceso de agua del cabello, y uso una toalla para secar las puntas. Aplico el humectante en las puntas y recogo el cabello con un broche, evitando que se moje. Continuo bañándome, dejando el humectante 3 – 5 minutos. Lo último que hago antes de salirme de la regadera es enjuagarme el cabello con agua tibia. Mi estilista y yo hemos notado que con este paso sencillo, la salud de mi cabello ha mejorado. Y, no tengo que gastarme un dineral en tratamientos, ni dedicarle mucho tiempo.

¿Tu utilizas algún tratamiento humectante profundo para el cabello? Me saber de tus recomendaciones.

Un abrazo,


P.D – Hay que conectarnos en Faceboook Paola Hernandez-Jiao; Instagram paolahernandezjiao; Twitter @paolahernandezj.