Thank you all for reading my blog posts. The blog is growing and the topics are expanding as I go along. I not only want it to be about fashion and beauty, but also about life experiences I have learned and live – as a woman, Latina, American, daughter, sister, niece, friend, granddaughter, aunt, professional, and now wife. I feel very blessed to have the life that I have and try to remain positive everyday. Seeing the best in people, living my life to the fullest, and trying to learn from every experience – good or bad experiences. But, not everyday is happiness and bliss. I had a recent death of a close relative and it has been one of the hardest and most painful things I have experienced. I want to dedicate this post to him, my Uncle Abel. The tears are falling down my face as I write this post. I am not sure if you have noticed, but in the past few weeks I haven’t posted much, I have been very sad due to his passing, but as my mom says, God does not want us to be unhappy or to suffer. We all mourn in different ways. I tend to continue with my work responsibilities and keep myself busy to get through the sadness, then mourn and cry when I am alone or with family. I have lost three close relatives in my life: my grandfather (he was 64, I was 16), my uncle Edgardo (aka Galo, he was 33, I was 29) and three weeks ago my Uncle Abel (he was 42, I am 39). I have also lost my cousin Antonio (he was 2) and my grandmother (she was 88) on my father’s side, but I was not as close to them.
Abel was the youngest of my mom’s brothers, my mom is the eldest (my grandparents had eleven children). We grew up more like cousins than as uncle-niece. I have fond memories of spending many summers in Mexicali, playing with Galo, Abel, my aunt Miriam and my brother Paul. The five of us were very close in age. They would visit us in San Diego and we would go to Mexicali often. As we grew into adulthood, we continued to spend time together, going to parties and night cIubs together. Later, I saw with joy how Abel formed a beautiful family with his wife Tanya. I would see him often at family gatherings, he was always cheerful! He’d greet me with a big smile and strong hug, and tell me about his projects, how he was working hard to grow his business, everything he would do was with his family in mind! His death has been one of the most painful and difficult things our family has gone through. He was young and his death was very sudden. Our faith has helped us. We will never overcome his death, but we will have to learn to live without his presence on earth. I believe in angels, spirits, and in heaven. Our family now has three angels in heaven. I heard recently that when a loved one passes, you now have an angel you can call by name. I believe this is true, we now have three strong men in heaven, three angels and a baby angel, we can call by name.
One of the blessings in my life that I am the most appreciative for is my family. I was blessed to be born into a large and loving Mexican family. They have blessed me with an unconditional love that is priceless! They have taught me many lessons and it is from them that I have learned my strong work ethic, that anything is possible if you work hard for it, to stay positive, to stay humble, and to always be appreciative of our blessings! They have shown me the importance of family! It is a wonderful sense of belonging and love that is hard to describe, but is amazing and wonderful! Their love warms my heart and just the thought of my family makes me smile! The most joyous moments of my life have been spent with them.
On this day of the dead, I remember these three men. I love you and miss you! Thank you for loving me and for being such good role models. You have left some great children and your legacy will continue in them and our family! Your spirits live with us and I look forward to someday reuniting with you in heaven!
Who do you remember on this Day of the Dead?

At grandmother’s home: My brother, grandmother, and Uncle Abel (taken about 15 years ago)

At my grandmother’s birthday party: Uncle Abel dancing with Uncle Diego, Abel’s wife Tanya is smiling in the background

At family party: Uncle Galo with his wife Lourdes, me, Aunt Elvira, & Uncle Tony (taken about 16 years ago)

My maternal grandparents

My grandparent’s 25th Wedding Anniversary: we were part of the wedding party (L-R front row: Aunt Cynthia, Uncle Galo, me, brother, Aunt Miriam, uncle Abel; behind us are my grandparents)

At La Rumurosa with my grandfather (L-R: Uncle Abel, Aunt Miriam, Uncle Galo, brother, I am sitting on my grandfather’s lap)
At Grandfather’s desk at his business: my sister Monique is on grandfather’s lap, Aunt Miriam is to his right, Uncle Galo is wearing the yellow cap, I am standing in the corner holding a doll
My grandfather