One Less Hour

clock spring formard

Hi friends,

Today, we will set our clock forward one hour for daylight savings time. It got me thinking about what I would change if everyday I had one less hour in my day. How would I adapt my schedule and activities? I would probably have one less hour of leisure time every evening. We have all made adjustments in our schedules when life changes occur. Sometimes, these are for positive changes in our lives. For example, I have less free time to spend with my friends now that I am married, but as much as I miss my friends, I gladly made the change because I want to spend time with my husband. Many people make adjustments to their daily schedules when they have children, make career changes, care for a loved one, or even to exercise more or study if they want to reach a goal (I know I cut my exercise and sleeping times short when I was studying my MBA).

It also got me thinking about what I would do if I had an additional hour everyday. Ah, that sounds magnificent! I often say, there just aren’t enough hours in the day – for the hours I need (want) to dedicate to my career, time I want to spend with family and friends, write more blog posts, read a book, exercise, organize items at home….sleep sufficiently, etc., etc. Then, I started thinking about exactly what I would ENJOY doing if I had an extra hour every day?  With an extra hour, I would probably….sleep an extra 15 – 30 minutes on weeknights, exercise every morning – even if just for 15 minutes, and of course spend more time with my hubby and family or friends (even if just a quick phone call to say hi). I’d also like to be able to spend more time on my blog, so I may give up the extra sleep time to write a daily post (even though each post takes me about one to two hours, not 15 minutes). If I had an extra few minutes left, I may read a book or a magazine, if not every day, maybe once or twice a week.

What would you ENJOY doing if you had an ADDITIONAL hour everyday?

What would you adjust in your schedule if you had one LESS hour everyday?



PS – Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour, starting at 2:00 am local time. You an still sleep an extra hour though, it is a Sunday after all, or as we say sometimes refer to it in Spanish, “duermingo” which combines duermo = to sleep and the last five letters in  domingo = Sunday 🙂   Have a great rest of your weekend!

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