Moms, do you have to do lots of prepping and planning just to be able to go out with your significant other or friends to watch a movie or have dinner? I do! I recorded this video just for fun, thought it may make you laugh & you could relate: My TOP 10 REASONS Why Moms Prefer to Stay Home Than Go Out (at Night), click on link to watch it! Hope you enjoy this video! Thanks for watching! If you like this video, please Like it & Subscribe to my Youtube channel to receive notifications of new videos I upload. And, please leave your comments below 🙂
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¿Mamas, tienen que preparar muchas cosas en casa antes de poder salir al cine o a cenar con amigas? ¡Yo si! Grabe este video como algo divertido, pense que quizas se puedan identificar conmigo: Mis 10 RAZONES Principales Por Las Cuales Mamas Prefieren Quedarse En Casa Que Salir (en la Noche), oprime enlace pare verlo y por favor dime que opinas.

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–You Tube: Paola Hernandez-Jiao
–Instagram: Paola Hernandez Jiao
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